Epilogue 🌻

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Gulf's POV

The day had finally come. The two of us were getting married. It felt like it had been forever coming, and also like it approached too quickly to see.

Mild helped me get ready in the dressing room, glowing brightly as my man of honor.

As he did up the last of the tiny buttons on my suit, he shook his head and said, “I never would have imagined things happening this fast. It seems so sudden."

I smiled at him in the mirror, and my hand drifted to my stomach, where my child was steadily growing. “Well, you know how my dad is. He wants the two of us to be wed before the baby is born.”

"I know, it still seems strange, though. I guess I can't really be one to judge. You're happy, and that's what matters.” he smiled and stepped back, admiring the suit on me for a moment. “Gulf, you look so handsome. I think he might die when he sees you.”

“I hope not, because the wedding has to continue," I said. “I can't have my groom dying on me.”

"He'll be your husband soon,” Mild said with a sigh. “Wow, it really does feel like yesterday that you were pining after him and scheming how to get him to notice you. Now, look at the two of you, getting married."

"I know." I smiled to myself. “It feels like so long ago, and it feels like such a childish thing now that I look back on it. I'm glad it happened, though, because I don't know if this would have come about otherwise."

Mild nodded. “Now look at you. You're in a beautiful wedding suit about to walk down the aisle. And I get to be your man of honor."

The suit was beautiful. My dad had insisted that he take me to a wedding suit shopping at some of the most expensive stores in the city. He had originally wanted to fly me to France to have a haute couture house custom make me a suit, but that would have taken too long, especially considering how quickly my body was changing with the pregnancy. Instead, we settled on having a gorgeous wedding suit tailored to fit me perfectly in all the areas that mattered.

The overall effect was beautiful, and I could tell as I stepped back to look in the mirror that I would remember how I glowed on this day for ages to come. Maybe other people would, too. Perhaps they would discuss the way I floated down the aisle with the largest smile on my face.

I knew that Mew would probably never let me forget this day, or how I looked. I was all right with that. I don't think I would want to forget the day I finally got to marry the man I loved in front of my father, with his blessing, something that had seemed entirely impossible not so long ago.

“Are you ready?” Mild asked, offering me his hand. “It's almost time, and I'm sure your father is waiting to see you."

I nodded. “I'm ready.”

He led me out to the antechamber of the magnificent church where the wedding party waited. Mew was already at the altar, and now Mild paired up with the best man.

Win and Sam, who were my other best man, both gasped when they saw me.

"You look so lovely!" Win said, reaching out to touch my face. “I'm so happy for you,” he said.

Sam nodded in agreement. “I can't believe how magical you look,” he exclaimed. “You're like a fairy prince."

Then my dad came up to my side, tears in his eyes and the widest smile on his face that I had ever seen him with.

“I'm going to cry. You look just like your mother. The only difference is that your mom wore a gown then while you are wearing a suit. She would have loved to be here to see you. I know she's smiling down on you right now.”

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