Ch: 8 ☀️

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Mew's POV

As soon as I woke up, Gulf curled up in my arms and breathing lightly in his sleep, I knew that I had made a mistake.

Yes, it had been amazing, and it had also been something that I had been craving for so long, but there was no mistaking that Gulf's father would kill me for what I had done.

And, rightfully so.

It was my job to protect Gulf from harm, not to give in to his wiles and ways, to his temptations. I should be stronger than that.

Yet, now it was clear that I wasn't. Not in the least bit.

I tried to push away the thoughts of what Mr Kanawut would do to me if he ever found out what had happened. I knew it wouldn't only be me, though. Maybe I could stand death for this act of sin if only my suffering would ensue, but I had my family to think of, too.

The thought of it was too much to bear. What had I done? Had I put them in harm's way? Should I tell them to run? No, if they ran, Mr Kanawut would know that something was amiss. He would hunt them down and demand to know what it was. Knowing him and his past, I wouldn't put torturing them past him.

That was the most difficult part, the thought my actions might cause suffering for others, especially my family. That's why I hadn't given in before. I couldn't, not with their lives on the line.

Then Gulf stirred in his sleep, turning over to bury his face in my chest, and suddenly all my fears were forgotten. Maybe any suffering of my family wouldn't be worth it, but I would make sure they never got in harm's way. No, I would take all the blame, all the torture, all the death, if it meant that I got to lay next to him like this for even one more minute.

Having him in my arms calmed me more than anything had before. He was the perfect bundle of light, like an angel come to Earth. His dark hair spread out over his forehead in waves that made me want to coil it around my fingers, and there was the slightest hint of blush on his cheeks, as if he were a porcelain doll.

His deep skin glowed with pleasure from everything that we had done last night, and his breathing was so even in sleep, I wondered what he might dream about. It looked like he was happy.

Maybe he was dreaming about me, or maybe that was too far of a stretch. I didn't know why she had chosen me, and part of me feared it was only because I was off-limits, and now that he had achieved the unachievable, he would leave me.

If that were the case, I would cherish this moment for as long as I could.

"Mew?" Gulf stirred, blinking sleep out of his eyes as he looked up at me.

"What is it?" I asked, brushing some of his hair back from his face.

“I'm just happy,” he said with a sleepy smile. He stretched his legs, pointing his toes and then releasing the tension in his muscles and snuggling closer to me as if he were a little cat. “Part of me still doesn't believe last night was real.”

I kissed the top of his forehead. “It was as real as you or me."

“Good.” He yawned. “I wish I could stay here forever, but I should probably get up, huh?”

I nodded. “You still have some time to get ready for class, but you should probably get up if you don't want to be late.”

He stretched his arms above his head, his perfect curved body peeking above the covers. I held back a groan at the sight of it, wishing that we had enough time to go for another round. He was so damn sexy that it was hard to hold myself back from him, but I would have to. We couldn't be together if it would impede his classwork.

"Come on, let's get up,” I said, standing and pulling him up with me. He groaned but allowed me to anyway.

“I wish we could stay in bed forever,” he said.

“I know. At some point, we will," I said, “But for the moment, you need to get ready. I will not be responsible for you missing class."

"Even if I ask you nicely?" He looked up at me with that sweet little smile, the one that was so hard to resist.

I had to say no, though. His father would get suspicious it his attendance dropped off with no explanation.

"Even if you ask me nicely. Now, come on, let's go." I gave him a little pat on his bare butt, and she squealed, looking at me with a mock-offended expression.

'Hey! Not fair!"

I shrugged. "You weren't moving fast enough."

The two of us proceeded about our morning routine, occasionally making flirtatious remarks or stealing a kiss.

Before we headed downstairs, I gripped him firmly by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "We can't be seen in public like this. You understand that, right?"

He looked at me with a slight amount of disappointment, but I could also see understanding in his face. He nodded. “Yes."

“Good." I released my grip and then gestured towards the door. “Let's get going. We don't want to be late."

* * *

Although the two of us had just entered a physical relationship, those next few weeks did not feel much different.

Sure, there was the addition of stolen kisses, and longing looks, and nights spent in his bed instead of mine, but this felt more right than wrong, as if it had been something that was missing, and now we had found it.

I did worry a lot those first few days, but after a couple passed without incident and then a couple more, I worried less. I began to realize how easy it would be for the two of us to continue on like this indefinitely, maybe never changing the pattern of our relationship.

I also knew that it couldn't happen. At some point, Gulf would either break it off or want to move things forward. The latter could never happen, not with his father the way he was, and not with the positions that the two of us were still in.

Then, suddenly, things were set in motion that I would never have expected. I got a call from Gulf's dad, Leonard Kanawut.

(1107 words)

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