Ch: 10 🌻

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Gulf's POV

Perhaps it was about his sister. Maybe I could see if my dad could use his connections to get her into art school, or maybe even get a stable job working in the field. I knew curators made a decent amount of money. Maybe something like that? Would Mew even be happy with me if I did that, though, or was there something else that I was missing?

I didn't want to admit it, but my attitude was not the best. I was used to getting everything I wanted, so it threw me off when things didn't go my way. It was something to work on, admittedly.

I didn't want to let it impede the day, though. It frustrated me that I wasn't able to show my teacher the work that I was proud of, but I also knew now that there were ways to make this day worth it.

I could spend it with Mew.

I went in search of him, determined to apologize for my behavior earlier, and get him to agree to spend the day doing things with me. Like painting. It would be fun to see what kind of painter he was.

“Mew?” I called, finally finding him in his room. He looked up at me, his face devoid of expression.

Suddenly I felt small, like a child, as I stood there, staring at the ground, trying to find the right words to apologize with.

“I'm sorry,” I finally said, thinking keeping it simple was best. “I probably seemed spoiled before. I was frustrated."

He sighed. “Thank you. I'm sorry I reacted that way.”

I shook my head. “You had every right. I was the one who was being weird."

There was a moment of silence, and then Mew asked, "So, did you just come here to apologize? Or was there something else on your mind?"

There were many things on my mind. I was thinking we had a whole day to ourselves in the apartment all alone. I wanted to grab bim and kiss him or sit on his lap and taunt him with the lingerie set that I had put on today,

Most of all, I wanted to spend time with him.

At the moment, our relationship felt strange. I realized recently that while I knew he was definitely physically attracted to me, but I didn't know where his feelings lay. It was something I wanted to talk to him about today. Maybe then I would get some answers.

“I was wondering if you wanted to paint with me today?" I finally said.

I looked up at him and saw that he had raised his eyebrows incredulously.


I nodded.

“Gulf, you know I'm not an artist like you."

I giggled. “Ah, come on, it'll be fun. Besides, we need to think of something to occupy the day.”

A sly smile crossed his face. “Oh, I can think of plenty of things.” There was that look in his eyes, the one that always turned me on, wanting immediate release that I knew he could easily provide.

Today, though, I wanted to lead up to things. Today I wanted to ask him about his feelings, though I knew that the answer might disappoint me.

"Later," I said, giving him a little wink, and then turning to skip out of the room. I stopped at the threshold, looking at Mew over my shoulder. “You coming?"

He groaned and stood. “Fine, I'll come, but definitely don't expect me to be creating any masterpieces."

I laughed, waiting until he had caught up to me to grab his hand and lead him toward my studio. I had some other classes with projects I could work on while Mew showed me what he could do with paint. I was looking forward to seeing how much experience he had

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