Ch: 18 🌻

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Gulf's POV

The next few days were lovely, filled with paintings and movies and kisses that didn't have to be stolen. We made dinner together and had picnies in the sunroom while we watched it snow outside. Then, we would head up to my studio, and I would help Mew learn how to paint.

He was getting good at it, but I was also getting bored. Yes, the days with him were lovely, but there wasn't much to do. I wanted to go back to classes. I wanted to talk to my friends and hang out or go shopping. I wanted to be around other people than Mew, too, or at least know what was going on and when this would be over.

We had gotten little communication from my father, except to tell us that the situation was still the same, and we needed to continue to wait things out for a while. He wouldn't tell either of us what was going on, though, or how long he expected us to have to wait.

I could only assume that the situation was serious if this was how things were going. I had never known my father to be one to not deal with situations quickly and efficiently, so this was especially strange. It wasn't like the mob made any large moves recently, so what was going on?

I didn't get an answer, but about a week in, we got a call from my father.

The two of us were having lunch and reading books in the sunroom when Mew's phone rang. I looked at him, and he looked down. He picked up immediately, so I knew it had to be my father.

“Sir?” Mew said in that way he always did. He nodded several times and then handed me the phone.

"It's your father."

I took the phone, wondering why my dad hadn't just called me, but then perhaps there were some things he had wanted to tell Mew.


“Gulf, are you doing all right, my dear?”

“Yes, just getting a little bored. Do you know when I'll be able to go back?"

“Unfortunately not yet, but I promise I'm working on it, darling. In the meantime, I'm coming down there, I have some news to share with both of you in person, and I miss you. I want to see your sweet face.”

I smiled. “All right. When will you be coming in?"

"Tonight. Can you have Mew make sure there's dinner ready? I'll be there at seven."

The smile drained from my face. That was soon, actually quite soon. It looked like our time together, just the two of us, was being cut short. “All right. Is there anything, in particular, you're feeling like?"

"Well, you know me. Pasta and seafood is always a good way to go. Do you think you can manage that?"

"We'll have something ready when you get here," I promised. “I'll see you then, Dad."

"See you soon, my darling."

He hung up, and I handed the phone back to Mew.

"He'll be here at seven," I said, “and he wants us to have dinner ready for him by then. Pasta and seafood."

“I'll order something to cook," Mew said, pulling up an app on his phone. “Pasta and seafood shouldn't be hard.” Then he took a good look at me, his eyebrows coming together in concern. “Is everything all right? You don't look happy."

I shook my head. “It's just, he said he has news for us. Some part of me feels like it will not be good for us. I wanted to have more time with you."

Mew laughed. “I thought you were getting bored. Besides, as far as he knows, I'm just your bodyguard. It's not like he will separate us. We'll still have plenty of time together. We can't do anything while your father is around, though. It's too risky."

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