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MAY 1995


over the course of the next few days, after the darry's pub performance, luke had been spending time outside of the studio

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over the course of the next few days, after the darry's pub performance, luke had been spending time outside of the studio. after his first shift at the melrose diner on the saturday after the gig, despite only wishing to work part time he had been spending lots of time working just to get his training shifts over with and he could actually do the job rather than just hover.

luke's newfound (but temporary) absence from the studio had really taken a toll on the band's (but mostly harmony's) daily life. they would just sit around, not doing much since they weren't able to do band practices, and harmony didn't have much to do either. usually she would leave her house to hang out with luke and avoid being home alone while her mother worked, but now a lot of the time she spent was on her own again.

with luke working at the diner and bobby being in school on the weekdays, that really only left harmony, alex and reggie to hang out in the studio or wherever they pleased. but despite alex and reggie both hating their home lives and wishing to spend their time away, both of them did have younger siblings that they were not fond of completely abandoning, so they would go home sometimes to make sure everything was still okay.

alex and reggie did still spend a lot of time with harmony in the absence of the other two boys, but when harmony was left alone in the studio she had nothing to do but write songs. harmony wrote songs like crazy over the course of the week luke was working. to say if the songs were good was a different story, but harmony spent her free time pouring her heart out in a lyrical form of anything that would make sense. the only doubt she had about them being good was the fact that she hadn't run them by luke, which was now a common occurrence she did with lyrics she wasn't sure about.

but harmony didn't worry about that too much, deciding that she'd just show luke the songs when he began to have free time again.

then came a day where luke was working at the diner and everyone was free, so harmony and the rest of the band decided to go visit luke at work for the first time. he had already had a few shifts but the rest of the group decided to wait until they were all available to visit luke at his new job together.

so after bobby was out of school from cutting his last class, he picked up the rest of the group from the studio and off they went to melrose. the group was excited to visit luke, but the whole car ride there was just alex and harmony in the backseat with bobby and reggie in the front, alex chatting harmony's ear off about joshua.

joshua, the boy alex met at darry's pub on friday night. after the two finished dancing that night and alex had to leave, joshua slipped alex his number and the next morning alex called him. to alex's surprise, joshua remembered the boy he flirted with despite being a bit tipsy. over the course of the next few days the two boys had spent a lot of time talking and getting to know each other, even hanging out once on a day in between.

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