Chapter Nine

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Hi guys. It's been awhile since I've updated IHYA. XD so sorry for that. ;)

This is just a short update. I was kind of inspired to write when I saw some comments from the last chappy. Aha.

So tell me what you think bout this. Hope you guys like this. I'll try to make longer chappies next time when I'm inspired again. ;)



Taylor's P.o.V

It's been two days since I last saw Zeta. I've been trying to stalk her in school and finally, I heard her bestfriend Carrie talking to Jaden telling him that she's sick and been absent for two days.

She's sick?? Oh c'mon?!

Well, I can't blame her. I knew she won't take what happened between us back at her room that easily.

I think the revelations and that hot makeout session with her really caught her off guard.

Honestly. I do want her. So bad. And I think it's just not physical or sexual attraction. Well, before I think it's all just about sex cause let's face it, she really is fcking hot. Especially when she's wearing that cheering uniform and practicing in the field. Mhmm. Damn! I want to do her right there and then...But's different.

It's now seven in the morning and after waking up from a yelling competition downstairs, I decided to leave early for school.

After taking a very quick shower and putting on some clothes, I rushed down the stairs only to find my mom crying at the living room.

"M-mom?" I called her as I walk towards her direction.

"Mom are you alright?" Silly question to ask. Of course she's not okay! She's bawling her eyes again because of dad.

"H-heyy there sweetie..." Mom cooed me while fixing herself. Like that'll help. I sighed mentally.

"Are you going to school now?" She asked me after sniffing some more.

"Uhm...yea..." I said sitting down beside her.

"Where's dad?" I asked but regretted it after.

"What are you still doing here?? Go to school, you lazy fck!" He screamed at me from behind.

My mom flinched when she heard him but me...I just glared at him while he was sipping on his glass of whiskey.

I was about to answer back when mom grasped my hand gently.

I looked at her confused but she just looked at me like she's telling me to just let it go.

"Get lost kid! I'm not paying your tuition just so you could just fck around all day!" He yelled again. Damn you!

I was about to stand and fight back but again, my mom pleaded with her eyes.

I smiled at her then stood up and kissed her on her forehead. I looked straight to my dad then gave him a death glare but he just smirked at me. I gave up, for my mom, then walked past him towards the front door.

After closing the door, I heard them screaming and fighting again. I can hear my mom defend me against my dad. Tss. He's not even worthy of calling my dad. He never was a father to me. Except when I was little. And when we're still not rich. And...when my little brother and my older sister...were still alive.

I ran to my bike then drove so fast out of this estate with my heart in pain. It's funny how little I can remember the times when my family is happy. We used to be so close and never this broken. As time passes by, those happy memories begin to fade. And it's hurting me more. Because I can't even remember the smile on my little brother's face anymore. Only when I look at his pictures then I remember. Even my older sister's laugh. I can't remember what her laugh sounded. I just knew that her laugh was contagious and brings warm feeling to my heart.

Yes. You guessed it. My father's mad at me because his only son and her eldest child died...because of me. It's actually not my fault, but for him it was. I tried telling him my side but he never believed me.

Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore because he's made up his mind that I killed his children.

In this situation. I'd always go straight to my bestfriend's house then drink my heartaches away. But this time, it's different. I don't know what came over me but my bike drove me on a different path.

I arrived at her house after a few good minutes. I parked across her house for no reason at all. I took my helmet off then I stared at her window wishing I could see her even just for a second. I waited for a few minutes but not even her silhouette was in sight.

I sighed to myself then was about to drive off when my phone vibrated on my pocket.

"C-309. Urgent." A text from Amanda, a girl I'm fcking every now and then.

Honestly. I haven't been sexually active for two days since that moment with Zeta. I don't know why. I just don't feel like it I guess. I wasn't planning on having sex with Amanda, or anybody else for that matter but I think I needed this.

So I drove off straight to the university. After I parked my bike at the far end of the parking lot, I brisk walked towards the Canley Building then sprinted my way up to the third floor and into the room Amanda texted me.

As soon as I opened the door, a hand grabbed me roughly on my neck then someone kissed me hungrily. It's Amanda, who's fcking turning me on right now with her aggressiveness.

I'm about to take her top off for our quickie so we pulled back a little. But when I looked at her face, Zeta's smiling face flashed in my mind. What the heck?!

"What??" Amanda's irritated voice pulled me back to reality.

"I...uhh...nothing." I crashed my lips onto her to continue where we left off.

"T-that" Amanda said through pants. After a few seconds, she picked her clothes on the floor then got dressed.

I sat up then watched her get dressed. After that, she thanked me then gave me a wink, then she left the room.

After that quickie with Amanda, I felt guilty. I felt dirty. Don't get me wrong. Amanda is sexy as fck and she tastes good. But something's bothering me. Like I just cheated on someone, more like I just cheated on...Zeta. The fck?!

Do I like her like that for me to feel this guilty?? I know I want her but do I want her like that?? I've never in my entire life, felt this towards someone. I'm a player, and players never fall for someone.

I went to my class after and it's like I'm not even in there. Sheesh. What's wrong with me??

Lunch came and a few of my good friends dragged me to the cafeteria. When we're almost near the cafeteria, another set of friends blocked me to chat with me.

We were laughing out loud because of their weird story about the university guard fcking the night shift janitor in the dean's office while he's on patrol that night and the janitor is cleaning the office. Aha.

After a few minutes, someone grabbed my nape making me turn to this person then she kissed me. I was surprised to see it was Amanda. I was caught off guard and it surely turned me on again because what can I say, I love aggressive girls. And automatically, my hands grabbed her waist then pulled her closer to me.

Then a familiar name pulled me out of this sexual state. I quickly pulled away with worry in my mind.

"Zeta! Wait!" I heard Carrie call Zeta again who's now walking furiously towards the cafeteria.

Wait...did she...Fck! She saw me??

I snapped then quickly followed her ignoring Amanda's call.

After bursting inside the cafeteria, my heart felt an unfamiliar pain making me wince.

I'm used to seeing Jaden pecking Zeta's lips, but why is now any different??

I clenched my fists on my sides then I stormed outside the cafeteria, outside the school then straight to my Ducati. I drove off to my bestfriend's house. I really need his company! And his relievers!

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