Chapter Thirteen

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Taylor's P.o.V


I didn't go to class today. Instead, me and a couple of my friends smoked some stuff at the further back of the university.

I don't want to see Zeta. I just don't want anything to do with her from now on. She has a boyfriend and I don't want them to breakup because of me. Yea I'm a player and I'm used to couples breaking up because of me. It actually boosts my ego. But I don't want to see Zeta be hurt like this. We haven't got the chance to talk about what we have but I know I'm hurting her in a way. So I might as well stay out of her life for good.

"Yow Taylor! See ya tomorrow!" A friend of mine yelled then we do our handshake thingy then they went straight to their cars.

Since my bike's located at the far end of the parking lot, I need to walk a little further. While walking, I heard people arguing. First I didn't mind them but then I heard a familiar voice yelled. McKenzie.

I argued with myself if I should let her be with whom she's arguing with, but my stupid feet led me to where they are.

"Get the fck inside Zeta!" Jaden yelled at Zeta who's now shaking. She's afraid of him. Damnit! Why is he treating her that way?? He's supposed to take care of her! Ashole!

I walked towards them then I saw Jaden pulled Zeta roughly towards him. I can see tears started to well up from Zeta's eyes. How could he do that to her?! I clenched my fists and yelled as soon as Jaden shouted "I said get inside the fcking car Ze--"

"Let go of her Jaden!" They both looked at me after hearing me. I saw Zeta crying and something in me ached. Like what the fck was that??

"Stay the fck out of this Taylor!" He growled at me but I'm not afraid of him.

"I said. . .let her go." I said firmly. I glanced at McKenzie then I gave her a small smile. I want her to feel that everythings going to be okay. I then stared back angrily at Jaden. He's still gripping Zeta's arm and I know that it's hurting her. Damn!

"Back off Anderson! This is non of your fcking business!" He shouted at me. Psh. He thinks I'm afraid of him? Well I'm not.

"It is my fcking business!" I yelled back. Uhm. Hello? Is it really my business?? Urg! But I can't just leave Zeta with this freaking jerk. I saw sadness and fear on Zeta's beautiful face and I suddenly felt like something struck my heart. What the hell?? This is crap! I want to punch him right now. But it's still not a good time. He's still gripping Zeta's arm.

"What the fck did you say??" He asked angrily then he lets go of Zeta's arm roughly making her stumble against the passenger seat. Okay! This is a good chance! I'm gonna bring this mother fcker down!

Zeta ran towards Jaden then pulled his arm. "Jaden! Stop this right now!" She yelled but it was no use. What the fck are you doing Zeta?? Let him be so I can kick his ass. He just continued walking towards me, that's good. I opened then clenched my fists again. I'm ready for you, you cunt!

She suddenly walked in front of Jaden stopping him from walking which caught my by surprise. He stopped and just looked at Zeta then back to me.

"Please just stop this Jaden. C'mon, I'll go with you." Woah? I did not just hear that right?!

"Why are you stopping me?" He asked Zeta.

I Hate You, Anderson (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now