Chapter Eleven

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Zeta's P.o.V

I woke up to a familiar room. But I know I'm not in my own room as the familiar masculine scent welcomed my nostrils.

I tried to move my body a little to my left when I felt pain in my lower area.


Panic shot through me as the pain I felt earlier got worse when I tried to sit up straight on the bed. I cringe and automatically my hand held my precious part. Fck. It really hurts.

I looked down on my body only to find myself naked and a person is sleeping just right next to me. I tried to remember what happened earlier, and then it hit me.

Jaden and I had sex.

Double shi*t.

I glanced at the clock beside his bed and found it's already 1:47 am. I stood up from the bed then walked towards Jaden's bathroom bringing his shirt to cover some parts of my body.

Everything here is blue. Well almost, except for the toilet bowl and light. Somehow, this color calmed me. It's like I'm looking at the sky. I then decided to take a shower.

Warm water welcomed my face, then my body. This definitely calmed me more. I started rubbing my body with soap, making sure I am clean. And then my rubbing got harder and I found myself sobbing under the water. I felt like my body's dirty and I need to get all this dirt out of my system.

Why?? I don't understand why I let this happen! Wait. Oh. Yea. To know if this is right and normal, and what I feel towards Anderson is just a phase. But why?? Why am I feeling this way??

I don't feel normal at all last night with Jaden. It's definitely not right. And I hate it. It's suppose to feel right, right? He's my boyfriend, he's a guy, and that's the right thing in this fcking world than having unfamiliar feelings towards a girl and much worse, the name is Taylor Anderson.

Urg! I have got to stop thinking about that girl! I'm with Jaden, and I love him. Period.

I stayed a little longer under the warm water until I felt cold water hit me. I then got out of the shower then grabbed a towel. Wrapped it around my body then got out of the bathroom.

I glanced at Jaden who's still sleeping and has no idea I'm about to leave. I grabbed my clothes on the floor then wore it quickly.

After dressing up, I looked at Jaden who shifted to a new position. My heart ached thinking that I'm not happy with what happened between us. I'm supposed to jump in joy because finally, this happened after three years. But no. I regretted it even before we started it.

I quickly wiped a tear that escaped my eye then took my belongings and went outside his house quietly. Too quiet so that his parents won't be awaken.

Once outside, I felt the coldness in the air. I quickly hugged my body as if it will lessen the coldness I am feeling. It's almost winter and usually I feel happy with this kind of weather. But now...

I roamed my eyes around the area and...fck! How am I suppose to go home? Jaden drove us here last night and I don't want to wake him up just to give me a ride home. My house is far from his' and the only option I have is to call my brother.

I fished my phone inside my pocket then groaned when I saw my phone's dead. Sht. What now?

I sat down on the porch hugging myself more as another cold air hit me. After a couple of minutes of contemplating how to go home, I found myself crying again. What the hell's wrong with me?

"Fck this sht!" I groaned in annoyance and at the same time stood up from where I am seated.

I started walking out of Jaden's property after deciding I won't go anywhere just by sitting there. When I stoop down on the street, I stopped and glanced around and felt a bit nervous because damn! It's really dark here! I can only see the dim lights coming from street lamps.

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