Tommy is so so Cool

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 "Okay Tommy, use all your strength for this jump, I wanna see how far these babies can go!" Tubbo chirped into Tommy's earpiece.

"You got it Bumblebee!" Tommy said, taking a quick calculation of how far he hoped to jump.

He was atop a building, across the road was a building only slightly taller, but quite further than he used to be able to jump before.

"Tommy." Tubbo whined, "I told you that we're not using Bumblebee as my nickname. Isn't that a transformer or something?"

"Yeah! You're a technologically advanced person, the transformers are giant ass car robots, there's a similarity!"

He could practically hear Tubbo's eye roll as he chuckled softly, "just do the jump."

"On it big man." Tommy said, walking as far from the ledge as he could before turning and sprinting forward.

He pushed off the very edge of the building, putting all his momentum forward as he leaped from the rooftop.

His landing was further than he expected to go, almost halfway across the roof he hoped to land on.

"Holy shit! Tubbo! Did you see that?!" Tommy shouted excitedly.

"They work!"

"They work Tubbo!" Tommy celebrated, listening to Tubbo's whoops and hollars of victory, "you fucking mad genius!"

"Get back home soon, I want some victory pizza or something." Tubbo said.

Tommy frowned, "aren't we out of money at the moment? I thought you spent it all modding these shoes?"

"Go to the bank then, it's about time we make a... withdrawal." Tubbo prompted.

Tommy smiled, practically buzzing with excitement, "you know how much I love a good robbery."

"Get in there, cause some havoc, it's time we brought more attention to ourselves. It's time for the big plan."

"Seriously?" Tommy asked, his eyes wide, "I thought we still wanted to wait? I know you've been working on that quick getaway?"

"Tommy, the getaway is ready. We're going to test it tonight." Tubbo responded, Tommy could hear him typing away in the background, "that way, if it fails, you can get out easily. If it's successful, then we show them that we know what we're doing."

"Can I ask what the getaway is? So that I know what to look for?" Tommy asked.

"Absolutely not. It'll happen so fast you won't even realize you're out." Tubbo said, his tone radiating confidence.

Tommy groaned, "fine. But you know I hate surprises."

Tubbo didn't reply, letting Tommy get to work.

"Fucking prick." Tommy muttered under his breath, adjusting his mask to fit better over his face as he ran for the bank.

"I heard that." Tubbo deadpanned.


Tommy jumped from rooftop to rooftop, only stopping once the bank was in front of him.

They had upped security measures since the last time he was here. Which was probably almost a year now.

But their security was seriously lacking when it was against a villain. Tommy knows they had some superheroes stationed here for a while. Tubbo made Tommy keep a wide berth from the place for a long time when that happened.

But that didn't seem to be the case anymore.

Two security guards stood at the entrance, seemingly falling asleep from the boring post they stood.

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