Bonding with the Boys is Stupidly Funny (Also, Crime Time Pog?)

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Tubbo slammed his book shut, sighing loudly as a musical of screaming and angry quacking filled the apartment. He stood and marched out of his room, immediately seeing Ranboo standing on the couch and screaming at Benson. Tommy was perched precariously on top of the bookshelf. The entire thing threatened to topple over if Tommy unbalanced it for even a moment.

Tommy's tail and ears were out, his tail fluffed out in a form of making himself bigger. His ears were flat to his head as he literally hissed at Benson and Ranboo below.

"Everyone shut the fuck up!" Tubbo shouted, the entire room freezing.

Benson quacked happily and waddled his way towards Tubbo.

"I am absolutely sick of this. I need all of you to get along!" Tubbo said, scooping Benson into his arms, "I have to get so much shit done today and all this fighting isn't helping at all!"

"Tubbo we-" Ranboo tried, but Tubbo held up a hand, cutting him off.

"Everyone follow me. Right now." Tubbo said, marching off towards his room.

Tommy scrambled down from his position on the shelf, following Tubbo because he knew that Tubbo was pissed off at the moment.

Ranboo sighed and followed along as well.

Tubbo led them to his room and to the walk-in closet. It was currently empty since he was preparing for this since yesterday. Currently all of his clothes were tossed onto his bed in a careless manner.

He stood outside the door and pointed inside expectantly.

"Tubbo...?" Tommy asked, not entering the closet.

"Get in the closet. Now." Tubbo demanded.

Tommy hesitantly stepped inside, Ranboo being shoved inside by Tubbo.

Tubbo placed Benson inside and then proceeded to slam the closet door shut and lock it.

"Learn to get along!" Tubbo shouted through the door, "I'll be back in a couple hours!"

There were desperate slams made to the door, but Tubbo simply tucked a chair under the door handle.

"Isn't there a meeting Tubbo?!" Ranboo shouted, "we all need to be there don't we?!"

"You are all banned from the meeting until you guys learn to get along!" Tubbo shouted back, "someone will come and fetch you later!"

"Tubbo you can't torture us like this!" Tommy screamed.

"Yes I can!" Tubbo replied, crossing his arms in front of himself, "this was the only room that would work! No windows, one door, and it's relatively big enough for three!"

"He looks so angry Tubbo!" Ranboo cried, "I think Benson is gonna kill us!"

"When you are nice to him, he'll be nice to you!" Softer, Tubbo said through the door, "sorry Benson, but I need you guys to work as a team for this next part of the plan."

Another slam to the door was made.

"If you break down my door," Tubbo shouted through gritted teeth as he slung his bag over his shoulders and buckled it, "I'll break your legs."

"Have fun!" Tubbo hollered before jumping out of his window and buzzing off towards Quackity's place.


"Tubbo!" Tommy screeched, shouldering the door. "Come back you fucking bastard!"

From behind him, Benson quacked, just loud enough to gain his attention. Tommy turned around slowly, seeing Ranboo already pressed against the wall opposite him, as physically far away from the duck that he could get.

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