S.O.A.P Factory :)

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(AN- I- I accidentally made a bunch of people simp for an axe... I am also simping for the axe, there's a calling for chaos within me. Clementine my beloved.

Also! Clementine and Tommy are talking to one another, Clementine chooses who she can speak to. But she's inspired by the sword of Sumarbrander from the Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan!!! (I'm very in love with those books haha) Of course she's not the same, as she doesn't speak aloud or float around, but she can fight as long as someone is wielding her.)

A special thanks to both FlooftheDemon, Cleanse, and AnonymousCat who inspired this chapter with their recommendations on AO3!!! (that's where my story was first posted!!!)

Ranboo was currently sighing in absolute disbelief of Tommy's genius. Of his amazing skill, his legendary brain, his poggers thinking ability.

"Let me get this straight. You want to break into a soap factory, and sabotage all their products with... glitter?"

Tommy hefted another bucket of red glitter into the wagon he "borrowed". Tommy shot him a look, clearly Ranboo didn't fully understand Tommy's genius like he thought. "Yes. It'll be amazing! The bottles aren't see through so they won't even notice until it's all shipped out across the world!"

"How do you know that?"

"I went to a couple stores, found some bottles of soap that weren't see through, found the one with the closest company, and now we are here! Hand me that tarp please?"

Ranboo picked up a folded tarp on the ground and helped Tommy secure it around the several buckets of glitter.

"Should I ask where you got all this glitter from?"

"Probably not."

"Alright, I think I'm going to try and trust you to not get caught, but just in case," Ranboo handed Tommy a small, green, glass ball. It was a lighter green on the outside, and a darker green on the inside, in fact, it almost looked like an eye. "If anything happens and you need to get out immediately, shatter that on the ground. I'll be there to pull you out the second it breaks."

"What even is this?" Tommy asked, rolling the thing delicately in his palm.

"It's a part of my powers. It works as an instant mode of teleportation for me. I could toss it and the second it broke I'd be teleported to where it landed." Ranboo explained, anxiously watching Tommy, "I can only create one once every couple days or so, and I can't create another while the first is unbroken."

"What happens if it gets lost?"

Ranboo rubbed the back of his head, "they will kinda just... vanish after a while, so if anything, I just can't create one for a longer time than normal."

"Alright well," Tommy tucked the pearl into one of his safer pockets, "thank you, I'll make sure it doesn't break prematurely."

Ranboo smiled, "good. Lucky for us, Tubbo's currently at Jack Manifold's for the night, so if you get injured, we don't have to hide it. Be careful out there."


Tommy finally was able to sneak his wagon of glitter in after the last guard left for the night at the S.O.A.P factory. Aka, Suds Of Actual Perfection.

Clementine easily carved out a perfect sized hole big enough for Tommy and the wagon to roll on through. Honestly SOAP should thank them for making such a perfect hole for a new door.

But! Because Tommy always thought ahead, he placed a note within the rubble of the extracted wall saying,

"oops! My bad! Thought this was the bank haha!

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