RIPAV will be returning!!! (Soon)

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Hello Wattpad readers! This is just a small announcement for the fans of this series!!!
RIPAV is coming back! This time around, it'll be known as "Kindergarten Villainy" (though that name may change, I'm still struggling with the title lol) I'm so very excited for this series to be returning for a short time!
I don't plan on it being a very lengthy story, but it's more of an au to this series. And it's inspired by a reader who left a comment on ao3 for me a while back! The idea was so fun I had to use it (full credit will be given when it's released)!

Here's a little snippet for you guys! Just a small teaser for what's to come!
Tommy woke up to an early morning sunbeam shining right in his eye, causing him to groan miserably as he turned his head away from it.
"Your cheeks are so fucking chubby." A familiar but unfamiliar voice told him factually, a childish giggle escaping from the speaker.
With a grumble, Tommy peaked an eye open, seeing Tubbo kneeling in front of him.
But... something was wrong.
Very wrong.
Tubbo's horns weren't poking out of his hair like they normally did, and his ears seemed... bigger. His eyes were big and bright and a shade lighter blue than Tommy was used to, and his face was... rounder than normal.
"Am I seeing shit?" Tommy asked as he sat up, scrubbing at his eyes tiredly.
He froze.
"What the fuck is wrong with my voice?!" He screeched, his hands roaming at his neck as he tried to feel for an issue. His fingers trailed against baby soft skin, no bump of an adams apple to be felt anymore. His eyes landed on Tubbo. A very young Tubbo.
As you may be able to tell, it's the three chaos gremlins being turned into children due to a potion mishap :)
So far, I'm still working on the first chapter, but I plan on releasing it hopefully within a week or so! I recommend following me on my twitter (if you have one) for updates on the series and it's release! No pressure to follow of course! It'll still be posted onto ao3 and Wattpad once it's ready! <3
Thank you for your support, your comments have been an absolute joy to read through. I've been laughing my ass off at some of them. You guys are really fucking funny! But anyway, I hope that you all have a lovely day/night <3

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