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"Could I just get a couple of the kids' menus please?" Ranboo asked the Hostess. She was all decked out in pirate garb, an eyepatch pulled over one eye to complete the look. Ranboo wouldn't expect less from The Blue Bayou, aka the food place above the pirates of the carribean ride. Nothing is better than hearing screams of terror while you enjoy your lunch!

"Yes of course!" She proceeded to pull out three of the kid's menus from her station, along with three mini boxes of crayons, "are you planning to dine-in today? There will be a five hour wait, but I will happily pencil you in!" (No they don't actually have color-in pirate themed menu maps :( I looked it up and couldn't find anything. The place is too fancy, but for the sake of chaos, they shall have these menus!!!)

"Oh, no thank you, we're not planning on coming in today, but I appreciate the menus and crayons."

"Alright, well, have a great day!" She chirped.

"And to you as well!" Ranboo called out before heading out of the restaurant and back to his friends.

"You would not believe the wait time for that place, holy crap." Ranboo said, handing a map and a box of crayons to both Tommy and Tubbo.

"Yo, what the fuck is this?" Tubbo asked, eyeing the map.

"Yeah Ranboob, why are you giving us shitty ass pirate maps?"

Ranboo rolled his eyes, "don't you guys know anything about Disney?" He gestured around them, even pointing out one of the (this one was quite obvious) hidden mickeys near them, "if there's anything you need to know about Disney, it's that they love secrets. The Disney vault is even rumored to be hidden inside of the pirates of the carribean ride. Who's to say that this crappy kid's meal mat isn't leading to real treasure?"

Tommy scoffed, folding his mat and leaning back on the bench, "as if. This is stupid, let's go on more rides or something."

"Wait, no but look at this!" Tubbo exclaimed, already invested in the map. He jumped from the bench and kneeled on the cobblestone, using the bench seat as a table to splay out his menu map, and the park map. "These lines here,"Tubbo traced out the New Orleans Square area, as well as the small patch of jungle behind the Indiana Jones ride. "They match almost perfectly with the menu map!"

Ranboo looked over Tubbo's shoulder in complete disbelief. He was doing this to keep them from going on anymore rides! There's no way it actually led to something, right? Tommy was also at full attention, leaning much too far in to peer at the map.

Sure enough, Tubbo was right, the lines matched almost perfectly, if it weren't for the squiggles added to the menu map for detail, it would've perfectly matched the curve of the square and the jungle area added together. Hell, the map even had the giant tarzan tree as one of the area markers.

Tommy sighed, sitting up and rummaging through his backpack for a moment, "I'll only go looking for treasure if I get to do something first."

He pulled out a fire cracker and Ranboo's heart dropped as he leaped forward and shoved the thing back into Tommy's bag, hiding it from sight. "Tommy, no. We talked about this last week. You'll be banned from Disney if you do it. They'll put up wanted posters of you."

"So what? I'm planning on getting banned from here anyway! I might as well just do it now."

Ranboo sighed, pinching his nose as Tubbo watched their interaction for a moment before becoming bored and studying his maps again. "Tommy, look, if you do it now, then you won't be able to play boardwalk games. You know I'm not afraid to teleport us all home."

"What?" Tubbo cried, suddenly paying attention, "all of us?! But I haven't done anything!"

Ranboo raised an eyebrow, "see? Tommy, you do your shenanigan now, then you'll ruin Tubbo's Disney day, and we all know that Tubbo is not afraid of murder."

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