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AN- Do I invent random shit for the sake of plot? Yes. Do I cover that fact by making Tubbo a genius? Yes, he is a genius. He makes so many inventions.


Tommy was currently perched atop the tallest building he could find, the city centre. Inside, a shit ton of heroes were probably doing whatever heroes do.

He knew that no one ever, ever, had slipped away from one of the top three. Nonetheless, two of the top three. This meant that the heroes were probably a little panicked, or even frustrated at the thought that someone had gotten away from them.

Tommy grinned and pulled his bag off his back. These heroes were too cocky for their own good, the only security around their building was along the bottom. Tommy didn't come across anything else as he scurried up the side of the building.

(He drank a highly illegal invisibility potion before he did, that's why he wasn't seen. Tubbo somehow figured out how to make them). (Before you ask, no he's not like that spiderman guy, he just scrambled up there using the rough concrete that it was made of and some speed. (seriously, some raccoons have climbed up buildings, no joke)).

From his bag, he pulled a long string of 75 colourful smoke balls all twined together. He was told to cause some trouble, and so he was going to.

It was going to be funny as hell to see some of the open windows just start pouring out tons of colourful smoke!

Tommy laughed to himself and pulled a lighter from his bag as well. Now to somehow get the whole chain of smoke balls into the building without being caught before they could go off.

He also had a shit ton of firecrackers, but he planned on lining those at the bottom of the building after making the security guards in the front run in to check it out.

Tubbo would be so proud of him.

Tommy smiled to himself, he was so cool. The biggest big man of all time.

Speaking of being so amazingly cool and awesome, was that an open window he saw?


"So, you're telling me that a tall ass racoon-themed villain got away from two of the top three heroes?" Philza asked, a hand to his head as he rubbed at his temples.

Both Wilbur and Techno looked guilty, but Wilbur fought back, "he vanished into thin air Phil! What were we supposed to do? There were no traces of body heat, so it wasn't an invisibility potion, he was just... gone."

"Show me the footage then. We'll see about this." Phil sighed, "I've never, in all my years, had a villain just vanish in plain sight. Blending into crowds? Yes. disappearing around a corner? Sure. But vanishing with two heroes watching them? Never."

Techno was already swiping an arm in the air, pulling a screen down from the ceiling. With a few more gestures, he was able to pull up the security footage from the bank trap they've been waiting to use for months.

In silence, they watched the slightly grainy footage as the confrontation happened. They watched Innit swipe a stack of money, clutch his hands over his ears, then, in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Phil squinted at the screen, "wait, Tech, zoom in on Innit and slow the footage as much as you can."

Techno did just that, even clearing up the image so that they had a better view.

This time, they noticed Innit reach for his neck quickly as he grabbed the money then ducked to cltuch at his ears.

"Go frame by frame from here now."

RaccoonInnit is Pog at VillainyWhere stories live. Discover now