The Wasteland of Unjustness and Lies is Finally Destroyed

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(AN- I want you guys to know that I am reading every single one of your comments and I am- I am very grateful for all of them <3 I'm so glad you're enjoying the chaos, and I hope you continue to enjoy it as we continue on in the series! I know I don't reply to comments too often, but I love and appreciate every single one! Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, please ask and I'll do my best to answer asap!)


Philza was just finishing sweeping the kitchen of stray legos when a knock came to the door.

He wiped his hands on his robe and opened it, seeing a package delivery man on the other side. Behind the man stood a giant package that was almost too big to fit in their door.

"Ah, good afternoon sir! I have a package here for..." The man looked at his clipboard studiously for a moment, "Wilbur Soot, and... Tech No Blade?"


Techno carefully opened the door, gesturing for Wilbur to follow as they snuck into their own apartment.

"You stepped on my cape Wil!" Techno whispered harshly, glaring at his brother.

"Well, maybe your stupid cape shouldn't be dragging on the floor!" Wilbur whispered back.

"Boys." Philza called out from the middle of the living room. In their bickering they hadn't even noticed him. He was in full-on 'dad-mode' as they liked to call it, arms crossed, foot taping, expectant stare.

"Phil! Hello!" Wilbur smiled, straightening his back and acting as if both he and Techno weren't trying to sneak back into the apartment through the front door. "Wow, what a pleasant surprise!"

"I live here Wil. Cut the bullshit."

Wilbur stared at the floor, fidgeting with his fingers.

"We weren't sneaking in!" Techno supplied, very unhelpfully.

Wilbur elbowed him in the ribs as hard as he could, glaring.

"Should I ask why you ordered a Disney-themed candy floss machine?" Philza prodded, a single, knowing eyebrow raised slowly.

"It's... we..." Wilbur struggled for some sort of excuse, "I... kicked a... the machine was kicked. By me. And it broke. Yes."

Phil pressed his fingers to his forehead, "you're telling me. That you kicked a giant, heavy duty machine, and it simply broke?"

"Yes?" Techno added, shrugging.

"Tommy destroyed one and you two are replacing it, aren't you?"

Wilbur smiled, suddenly gaining some confidence, "no actually! But that's all you're getting out of us, so we are going to go now."

Wilbur patted Techno's shoulders and pushed him along, "we are going to eat our weight in candy floss now, bye-bye!"

Philza shook his head tiredly, and went back to his room. He was too old to deal with this shit today.

The second he was gone, Wilbur shoved a pile of clothes into Techno's chest, "we can deliver this damn machine tonight, get dressed into this quickly. Those chaotic little shits are already on the move."

"Are these..." Techno unfolded the ugly polo shirt handed to him, immediately noticing the logo and name tag, "you've got to be kidding me."


"Benson, hop on!" Tubbo knelt down near his pet, Benson quacking happily as he used Tubbo's back as a ramp and sat atop his head comfortably, settling himself just behind the horns on Tubbo's head.

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