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 "Shroud!" Tommy whispered loudly as they snuck down a darkened alley. Shroud was crawling along the wall at a faster pace, not having to avoid trash piles and disgusting puddles of unidentifiable liquids.

But still, Tommy followed his little spider son. The kid was on a mission. And he rescued Tommy from the Dream Team. Of course Tommy would follow Shroud. But not without trying to get some answers from the kid.

Shroud didn't even look at Tommy, scuttling away at an even faster pace, leaving Tommy to scramble in an attempt to keep up.

Suddenly, the spider took a turn, vanishing into the darkness of a building that looked like it was barely standing. The whole thing was practically crumbling apart. Fuck, Tommy felt like if he breathed too hard, it would come toppling down.

He steeled himself and stepped inside, treading carefully on the rotting wooden floors. They creaked hazardously at every move, slowing Tommy down considerably.

"Shroud? Where'd you go?" Tommy asked into the darkness, his eyes were starting to adjust to the new lighting, letting him see in the dark once more. There was no moon tonight, and being in the more rundown side of town, streetlights were not too common.

He blinked a few times, his eyes finally adjusting fully and letting him see everything. Everything was colored black and white in his night vision, further things bundling together in an undefinable lump of dark grey.

Shroud suddenly ran up to him in human form, grabbing Tommy's wrist and tugging him to the darkest corner of the room with a sense of urgency.

"What is going on Shroud?" Tommy asked, "please man, you can't just drag me places with no explanation at-"

An angry snorting sound interrupted him mid-sentence. Tommy whipped his head around, looking for the source. He crouched and bundled Shroud in his arms protectively. Standing and holding him close to his chest, even though Shroud seemed relatively calm about the entire situation.

What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.

A terrifying squeal came from the darkest corner, just out of the range of Tommy's vision. At a frightening speed, a smaller shape lunged from the shadows, dodging around Tommy and with painful accuracy, punched the back of his knees with a hard hit. With a grunt, Tommy fell, his knees buckling instantly, and Shroud was pulled from his grasp.

His chin hit the wooden floor painfully, luckily, he didn't bite his tongue, because that would've hurt.

Tommy pulled himself up onto his hands and knees ready to wreck someone's shit for nabbing Shroud away from him.

But upon looking at what used to be a scary shadow, it was now clearer. Instead of some fucking creepy ass person, Tommy saw another child, Shroud pushed behind him protectively, making themselves a full body shield for the spider hybrid.

Tommy softened immediately upon the sight, and slowly sat down on the floor, hands in the air as a sign of peace.

"Hey bud, I don't want to hurt you or Shroud right there." Tommy said gently, "I'm here because Shroud brought me."

Looking closer at the children, it was painfully obvious that they were fucking starving, and both of them were shivering slightly. The old ass building did nothing to retain any heat, and there was probably little to no food littering any of the dumpsters nearby, since this was the more run down side of town.

The child that had attacked him, Tommy now recognized as a piglin hybrid. Poor kid seemed to have gone through some shit as well, his right pupil completely white, and his right ear half torn.

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