Dream... Dream no you can't just- that's a literal villain Dream.

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It's been one week since Tommy up and vanished.

Seven days since Ranboo and Tubbo had heard from him.

And six days of the SBI dealing with two very clingy chaos children.

Tubbo was damn near about to commit murder. There was a gleam in his eyes that told the SBI that their time was very much running out.

Ranboo was barely keeping it all together, his constant worry over Tommy, and his hovering over Tubbo was starting to take its toll. Purple particles swarmed around him at all times, quickly zipping around faster than eyes could follow.

And still, the dream team was nowhere to be found.

Philza had been able to convince Tubbo and Ranboo to move into the place Phil bought earlier, since that way they could work on finding Tommy and not have a hero stumble into the apartment to see some of the most wanted villains casually sitting in the headquarters.

So now, the group of five, and of course Benson the duck, were living in a spacious house in the middle of nowhere. They had a lot of forest land surrounding them, but the house was big enough to have several bedrooms and just about five different bathrooms. It was basically a mansion.

And it was peaceful.

Well... it was supposed to be.

"What do you mean you 'may have accidentally kicked the box?!'" Techno glared at Wilbur, his whole body shaking with rage. It was a miracle he wasn't screaming yet.

Tubbo and Ranboo watched the entire exchange from around a corner, well out of sight of the two. Ranboo offered Tubbo some chocolate that he found, which Tubbo accepted happily.

"It was in front of the door Techno!" Wilbur argued, his hands flying about as he tried to express his exasperation, "my arms were full of boxes! How was I supposed to see it?!"

"With your eyes Wilbur." Techno said through gritted teeth.

"Stop being a fucking smartass! I'll buy you a new one!"

"If I don't get some coffee in me right now, I'm going to- to-"

Wilbur scoffed, "you don't even have a proper threat lined up. What are you going to do? Kill me? Over a fucking coffee machine?"

"A coffee machine that you broke."

"It was an accident! The box was heavier than I thought!"

"Did you drop it as well?!" Now Techno was enraged, his fists clenched tight as he visibly shook in anger.

Wilbur flinched, avoiding Techno's eyes as he picked at his sleeve nervously, "I... may have tried to bring it in after the initial kick... and it may have dropped... to the floor."

All of a sudden, Techno's angry appearance vanished. His face went completely blank as he deadlifted Wilbur from the floor, hoisting him onto his shoulders.

Wilbur screamed in protest, trying to wriggle his way out of his brother's grasp, but Techno was strong.

Tubbo and Ranboo watched on, matching mischievous grins growing on their faces.

Techno slid open a window, and, without any hesitation, tossed Wilbur right out like an american football. Wilbur screamed as he was thrown, being tossed a good ten metres or so. He was fine, probably scratched up, but they were on the first story, it was fine. Probably.

With that, Techno snorted at the man, and proceeded to slide the window shut and promptly stalked out of the room.

Hysterical laughter could be heard about the house from the two little gremlins that watched the entire scene unfold.

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