Quack Quack Bitch, It's Time to Steal a Paddle Boat

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 "Tubbo!" A pair of hands shook Tubbo aggressively. "Wake up man!"

Tubbo mumbled some form of, "go away." Pulling his blankets even tighter around himself.

"Tubbo! Wake uppppp!!!" Tommy whined, shaking Tubbo even more.

Groggily, Tubbo slowly propped himself up on his elbows, glaring at Tommy. "Whaaaaat?"

Eyes shining brighter than they should in the dim light of the morning, Tommy broke into a small smile, "I wanna steal a paddleboat."


Tubbo stifled a yawn, Ranboo's hand on his shoulder to gently lead him towards wherever Tommy was leading them.

"So," Ranboo started, gaining Tommy's attention in front of them, "I despise this plan, but since I have no choice but to come along, how are we going to do this?"

Tommy shot a grin over his shoulder and pointed up ahead at the dock where they sold the paddle boats. "We simply run and jump in! And before they can stop us, we paddle away! I'm hoping some lake police come after us or something. Maybe we can even get some sort of water based super after us as well."

Tubbo rubbed at his eyes, suddenly looking a little more awake, "this whole ordeal sounds a lot more entertaining now."

"See? I can have good ideas! I can have great ideas!" Tommy insisted.

"No one said you don't have good ideas Tommy." Tubbo patted his friend's shoulder, "now, let's go steal a boat!"

With that, Tubbo sprinted ahead, ignoring Tommy's protests. Ranboo sent a silent prayer to the gods above that he wasn't going to accidentally fall in the water today before following.

The trio sprinted down the park path, people moving out of the way in fear of getting bowled over by either a small goat hybrid, or by the two extremely tall kids following close behind. (They are in their civilian forms right now, so no raccoon tail and ears for Tommy! And let's just say, for plot purposes, Ranboo can shift into a human form! (his human form is always wearing a mask and sunglasses. ALWAYS.))

The trio's footsteps thundered down the dock, frightening some of the wildlife that dared to be close.

The man selling the boats tried to stop them, but Tommy shoved him aside, almost into the water if it wasn't for the convenient railing.

Tubbo leaped gracefully onto the paddle boat, almost losing his balance as it tipped back and forth dangerously.

Tommy jumped on next, barely managing to not slip and fall awkwardly into the hard plastic.

Ranboo was more careful, taking a moment to step into the boat and shove them away from the dock. Tommy and Tubbo booed him for that.

"You gotta take risks Ranboo!" Tommy insisted, his arms out for balance as they slowly floated away from the dock.

"Hey! Get back here you damn kids!!!" The boat man screamed from the edge of the dock.

"You'll have to catch us pussy!" Tommy shouted back, his face positively beaming.

Tubbo barked a laugh and tugged at Tommy's sleeve, "sit down or you're gonna fall."

"Tubbo." Tommy said, gesturing at the tiny amount of room they had, which consisted of two seats with access to the pedals on the floor, and a third seat that was in the middle of the two, the steering stick just barely in front of the occupants crotch. (Yeah these things are definitely not made for three people most of the time. The third has to sit awkwardly in the centre). "Tubbo I have long legs. I am tall. This was made for short people like you. Ranboob and I cannot fit in these tiny seats. This middle one is practically nonexistent!"

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