on no I've been trapped! Haha... unless?

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 "Tommy..." Ranboo spoke, his hands folded in front of him as he processed the amazing and cool loot Tommy had. "What the fuck did you do?"

"Thank you Tommy," Tommy mocked, rolling his eyes, "you're so kind to work so hard to get us these things Tommy!"

"This is too risky Tommy! What if Tubbo sees this?" Ranboo whisper-shouted, his arms going about in wide gestures that Tommy figured were just for the dramatics.

"What if I see what?" Tubbo suddenly asked from the hallway, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Ugh, why'd you guys let me nap so long? You know I hate sleeping in the afternoon."

"Good afternoon sleepyhead, glad you could join us!" Ranboo welcomed, a certain fondness in his tone that he saved for Tubbo and only Tubbo. It made Tommy puff his cheeks out in annoyance.

"Tommy, what the fuck is all that shit?" Tubbo asked, stopping his movements as he saw all of Tommy's awesome stuff he brought home.

"They're gifts!" Tommy announced proudly. "I was just trying to explain that to Ranboob over here, but he's being all pissy today."

Tubbo sighed, "I swear you're like a little racoon. What trash did you find today?"

Tommy smiled and sat on the floor, pulling his bag open in front of him. He dug out the ukulele first, still wrapped in the soft yellow sweater.

"Please tell me you didn't grab a sweater from a dumpster..." Tubbo pleaded, his tone slightly disgusted.

Tommy scoffed, "as if! I'll have you know I worked for this! A friend of mine owed me one after I so kindly repaired his door for him." Tommy placed it gently on Tubbo's lap, "I actually think you're really going to like it."

Tubbo lifted a brow at Tommy but unwrapped the sweater, revealing the beautifully carved ukulele. Both Tubbo and Ranboo gasped it awe.

"Pretty cool right? We usually don't have enough money for gifts and shit like that, so consider this an early birthday/christmas present, yeah?"

"Tommy..." Tubbo whispered, gently plucking at the stings and admiring the handiwork of the small instrument, "this is beautiful, I've always wanted a ukulele."

"I know big man. I know."

"This sweater is pretty nice as well, maybe after we put it through the wash I'll wear it!" Tubbo said, almost making Tommy sputter into a laugh. If only he could tell him that that was actually Phantoms sweater.

Tommy dug back into his bag and pulled out the pen, "this is for you Ranboob."

"Please stop calling me that." Ranboo said, but took the pen anyway, barely giving it a glance as he rolled his eyes, "thanks, I guess."

"I know, I'm too kind." Tommy said simply, earning a soft snicker from Tubbo.

"Oh!" Tommy said excitedly, "I also got us some soap!"


"S- Soap...?"

Tommy pulled out the fancy looking, half full soap dispenser from his bag, proudly presenting it to his friends.

The amazingness of Tommy's brain must've left the two stunned. They couldn't speak as they stared him down. Tommy was just too good at things. What can he say, it's a natural talent.

"Okay..." Tubbo spoke silently, "okay, okay, that's weird, but not the weirdest thing you've pulled from dumpsters and shit... but could you please explain the giant ass axe on your back?"

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