Suck it green boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Thank you to AnonymousCat for the idea used in this chapter!


Dream shouted in rage, a fireball shot from Sapnaps palm once more, this time in Tommy's direction.

Tommy dodged them easily, picking up any carnage from the ground and throwing them as hard as he could at the heroes.

They were easy enough to dodge, but soon Ranboo could see that they were just a desperate distraction as Tommy edged his way around the room towards Tubbo, Tubbo following Tommy's actions and doing the same.

When they were close enough to each other, Tommy shouted, "Hand me Clementine!"

Tubbo tossed the axe without a moment of hesitation, Tommy catching her by the handle easily.

The grin on Tommy's face grew wider as he held his axe once more, Ranboo could practically hear him whisper how much he missed her. Weird.

Ranboo used this moment of chaos to suddenly try and force the two bodies off of himself. He was almost able to do so, but the two quickly caught on and pinned him down once more.

"Tommy!" He shouted, and a hand was shoved over his mouth.

Tommy didn't react to the sound, instead he poised his axe as if he was going to swing at Dream or Sapnap, but at the last second, he pivoted on his heel and swung with all his might into the glass wall that was barely intact.

Ranboo flinched at the sound of the thick glass finally shattering, his eyes shutting in the only form of protection he could muster. All the noise from outside was finally clear as day, no longer as muffled as it was before.

"Get off him you pricks!" Tommy shouted, his axe pointed at the two who held Ranboo to the floor.

Dream made a move to run at Tommy, but Tubbo buzzed into the air and intercepted him, with a... was that a sword??? Tubbo was fighting Dream with a sword that he got from god knows where.

Sapnap was running forward to also stop Tommy, but Tommy was already in action. He recklessly dove into the pair, causing them to fall back and release Ranboo.

Ranboo jumped to his feet, grabbing some rubble from the ground and chucking it at the advancing Sapnap. Tommy grabbed Ranboo's wrists and swung Clementine down on him.

Ranboo yelped and shut his eyes, but surprisingly, instead of his hands being chopped off, he felt his energy rushing back into him.

He flexed his hands experimentally as Tommy rushed back into the fight, Sam and George ran to Ranboo, but he simply smiled and teleported away.

He popped into their house, grabbed a metal baseball bat, and teleported back. He appeared behind the confused Sam and George, and swung as hard as he could at their sides.

It's not like he wanted to kill them. That was against their whole code thing. Injuring heroes was acceptable though.

He could hear and feel a soft crack reverberate through the metal of the bat, and watched as Sam crumpled to the floor in pain.

The bat momentum continued into George, who was starting to turn at the sight of movement, and Ranboo was able to nail him in the stomach, the force of the blow exponentially less then what hit Sam.

He heard an "oof" come from George, but the man stood his ground, reaching up and tearing the sunglasses from his face.

Ranboo immediately shut his eyes, swinging the bat blindly where he saw George before.

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