Plans Can't Always be Perfect

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(AN- A quick little note to clear up some confusion! Clementine and Tommy are talking to one another, Clementine chooses who she can speak to. But she's inspired by the sword of Sumarbrander from the Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan!!! (I'm very in love with those books haha) Of course she's not the same, as she doesn't speak aloud or float around, but she can fight as long as someone is wielding her. And she speaks through peoples thoughts, much like the voices in Techno's head!!!!


"Uhhhh... Wil?" Phil asked, currently frozen in the doorway of their home, "where's the kid?"

Wilbur was in shock, the kid was gone, but there was an obvious displaced feeling about their apartment.

He took a step forward, and immediately regretted it. A stinging sharp pain overwhelmed him as he stepped on something block-like.

He lifted his foot quickly, holding back a yelp and looked to see a fucking lego sitting innocently on the floor.

"What the fuck."

The three immediately searched the house. At one point, Techno shouted out in pain, and both Wilbur and Philza found him glaring at a tiny, sharp, lego brick.

Tubbo was nowhere to be seen.

"The bee wings I was working on are gone." Philza reported, "nothing else in the tech room seemed to be messed with though."

Wilbur looked to his family, "he's going to break Innit and Ender out of the prison."

"I don't think we should be handling this on our own anymore." Techno grunted, "we need reinforcement."

"Who do you think would possibly be able to handle these chaotic children?" Wilbur asked, frustrated as all hell. There was no way that these kids should've gotten the best of the top three so many fucking times. It was starting to drive him crazy that children were becoming some of the best villains.

"It's time that we call in the Dream Team."

Wilbur gasped, "absolutely not, they're going to try and kill them! I'm not letting three kids die just because they chose a different path!"

"Wilbur, we're just asking them for help. We're not going to let the kids get hurt." Philza spoke up, a gentle hand on Wilbur's shoulder, "I swear that to you."


"So," Dream smiled, well, technically he was always smiling, that damn mask of his never came off. "You're asking us for help against three kids?"

Wilbur sighed, already frustrated with this man, "they're not just kids. They're terrifying geniuses. We've never dealt with anything like them. In fact, I would say that taking them down is to be top priority at this point."

Dream shrugged, "what do you say guys? Wanna take down some kids that the so-called 'top-three' can't even handle?"

"Since you keep acting like we're incompitent, Dream," Philza smiled through clenched teeth, "then I suppose we'll just let you face them completely blind to what we learned."

Dream got up and stretched, casually walking to his wall of weapons and choosing an axe from its display. "Two of them are already imprisoned. How hard can it be to take down one kid?"

This is a mistake. Wilbur thought, his foot starting to bounce anxiously against the floor.


Sam walked behind Tommy, sword in hand to keep the kid from doing anything rash. Tommy's hands were currently cuffed behind his back, and now he was being led down a maze of corridors. He tried his best to remember which way was which, but something about the hallways was too repetitive. All the cells were currently whited out, Tommy couldn't see in them. All he saw were the heavy metal doors of each room.

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