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AN- WELCOME TO CHAOS WEEK!!! >:D (jk it's like, three or four chapters of chaos lmaoooo) ENJOY!!!!


 "Tubbo." Quackity sighed, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. It was currently eight o'clock in the morning, and Tubbo had pounded on Quackity's door until he woke up from a very peaceful slumber. "What the fuck is this?"

"I need you to watch Benson for me." Tubbo said simply, placing Benson and a small bag of duck feed in Quackity's arms. "He eats breakfast at nine o'clock sharp, and then he snacks throughout the day. Dinner's at 6, don't be late or he gets angry and bites. He likes watermelon and peaches the most, so if you could feed him some of that, that'd be great!"

"I- wait what? Tubbo, what the fuck?" Quackity questioned, "when the fuck did you get a duck?"

Benson looked at Quackity and Quacked happily.

"Tubbo! He's stealing my fucking brand now!" Quackity cried, "you hear this shit?"

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "he's a duck, Quackity. He quacks."

"So you're replacing me." Quackity said, and by this point, Tubbo could see the little glint in his eye, and he knew it was light-hearted.

"Yes." Tubbo joked, laughing at the 'offended' stuttering Quackity did.

"Okay, seriously, two questions," Quackity stared at the small duck in his arms, gently starting to stoke him, "One, what do I get in return for this? And two, where are you going that requires me to watch your duck all day?"

Tubbo hummed, giving Benson a gentle pat, "in return I give you some top secret information on your nemesis."

Quackity almost dropped Benson at this, the little duck quacked angrily, and nibbled Quackity's arm in warning. "Benson! I'm sorry! Stop! But Tubbo, how in the hell do you have top secret information on Eret?"

"That's a secret my friend." Tubbo smiled.

"Okay wait, can I ask for something else? For some different information instead?" Quackity asked, his eyes calculating.

"Depends, what information are you looking for?"

Quackity stepped aside, gesturing for Tubbo to come in. (Well, Tubbo guessed it was a gesture but Quackity had a duck in his arms so it looked a little awkward).

Tubbo stepped in, the door closing behind them. He crossed his arms, waiting for Quackity to speak.

Quackity took his time, gently placing Benson on the couch before wiping his hands on his pants. "I want information on Dream. It's time I switch targets." Quackity said, his smile disappearing.

Tubbo thought on it for a moment, weighing pros and cons. The truth of the matter was that Dream kept to himself most of the time, even the information on his file was quite limited. But, if he did some digging, he might be able to find some more. He could bet that there would be some promising leads if he dug through some stuff on George and Sapnap.

"Alright," Tubbo replied, "but, he's a top ranking hero, also one of the harshest hero's. The information I have on him is limited."

"So that's a no?"

Tubbo held a hand up, "not a no, this is something that would take some digging I'm afraid. Which means it'll cost a little extra."

Quackity sighed, "alright, what is it this time? You want to see the shapeshifting shit again? Or do you need me for an experiment? How heavy is this payment?"

Tubbo smiled, "I just need you to be Benson's babysitter every once and a while. That's all I'd ask for."

Quackity paused, "seriously? That's it?"

RaccoonInnit is Pog at VillainyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon