i want to go back

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my emotions become irrelavent
when yours over flow

i care about you more then myself
on a low

Seeing you sad crushes me inside
it's only emotions ill hide

i feel alone
alone too soon

alone as if nobody is really there
alone the second i feel dispair

i try too hard
though its useless

take me back to a time i were clueless

a time i never knew about mental health
a time i actually cared about myself

take me back ill be alright
Take me where theres barely fright

find me in the happy years
on the radio they'd play britney spears

take me back
when she seemed okay
we'd sit there and together play

take me back before she lost control
when my family were a whole

i sit on my knees and beg every night
take me back
take me home

Poetry of a lost teenWhere stories live. Discover now