i done it

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i done it
the one thing ive fought to avoid for years

i done it
all those days i stopped myself wasted
all those nights i cried wasted
all that effort wasted

i done it
I took the pills
hoping one of them kills

it were useless, pointless
That thing i thought about for years
there were no point

i done it
i wish i haden't
i thought i were stronger
ive only made everything longer

i done it
i stood there crying
pills insight
main fantasy dying

i done it
pills lie within my palm
why the fuck do i turn to self harm

i done it
tears trickle down my face
sit on her bed partially made of lace

i done it
took the first two, knew i should stop
i wanted to end it
feeling blue
but not like this i knew it werent the answer

i done it
didnt stop there
my thoughts consist of finishing the job
i couldnt leave it halfway
barely ingesting my future id pay

i done it
four from each pack maybe eight
wanted to go back probably too late

the doctors said i took a dozen
Were it their machine or my memory broken

i done it
ran downstairs
sat down
start to feel dizzy
im not joking do i look like a clown

i done it
called my sister
tell her what ive done
i dont remember much but my head spun
thats the least i remember of being home

i done it
and so after a couple days i wake up
i had an idea of what had happened but where were i

voices are all i heard
can you feel this is she awake
little they said in my mind were an earthqauke

i slept atleast another day
i guess at this point id have to admit
i werent okay

i thought id die
dont get me wrong im glad i didnt
thoughts run through my mind
the main being regret

i need to move on but how do i forget

Poetry of a lost teenWhere stories live. Discover now