i lost myself

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Uno I feel like there were a time I lost myself
I couldnt feel
At this point I had no one
But you helped me heal

You came along
Lit my candle
Made it bright
Although I struggled
At the end of darkness
Never the less you made for me
A source of light

You were too good to be true
Too good to have come
At a time like this I'd been distant and mostly numb

You gave me that little bit of hope
You came with an escape
I tend to indulge in different methods
Mostly caffeine and a couple times vape
I no longer even cut

Dont get me wrong thoughts come and go
But atleast now I understand myself I tend to tell the difference between high and low

I were confused to who I were at times
Who i wanted to be
I kinda got caught up in family issues
And stopped being me

I want to go back I really do
But why go back when I can work on now
Why go back whilst my future holds insite
Why go back if the passed were fought with all my might

Poetry of a lost teenWhere stories live. Discover now