She hated herself

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She hated her smile
She hated the way she laughed
She hated everything about herself
It wasn't the stretch marks
Or the scars
Or the extra cellulite
Nor The way her boobs fell
Not the belly fat
Or the bloating
Not the hip dips
Or the skinny thighs
Not the back fat
Or her ugly eyes
Not the absence of a round bum
Or its flat surface
Not the acne
Or the short hair
Not the face shape
Or the thin eyebrows
Not the dark circles
Or the eye bags
It wasn't the big hands
Or the dry skin
It were her mind
She hated everything about herself
And it weren't always like this
But once everything broke
She allowed words to crush her
She let thoughts stab her
She let them break everything
Her self esteem
Her self confidence
Her self worth

Poetry of a lost teenWhere stories live. Discover now