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A month. All it took was one month for the group to seperate. The Eniripsa had to return to her home after she had received a letter stating that she was desperately needed. Meanwhile, Master Joris had some own things to attend to, with the crowning of the new king of Bonta coming up. The Eliatrope had been left to his own devices and he simply sat at the inn, writing things down in a journal of his.

His ears were tuned, listening in for any conversations that might be interesting, but it was mostly just rumors about the gobball matches that were coming up. Having no interest in sports, the Eliatrope simply stood up and took his leave after paying. Master Joris had given the Eliatrope some spending money after he had lost the money given to him by the Sadidas to the rogues that attacked the ship a few weeks prior.

The Eliatrope sighed and looked up at the gathering clouds overhead. He didn't know what he was to do. He was lost. The scientist simply stood where he was at as the first raindrop fell on his cheek and ran down it. After that, came another raindrop. And then another. It didn't take long before the once dusty streets of the city were now covered in puddles as raindrops fell rapidly to the ground. The Eliatrope looked down and started to walk. Once, he had a purpose. Now, he didn't even know where to start. So deep in his thoughts were he that he didn't notice the people as they brushed past him in an attempt to get to cover.

As the rain fell, memories started to fill the Eliatrope's head.

A young Eliatrope child walked through the forest, softly sobbing. His green clothes and hat torn from running through the brambles. Scratches covered his arms as he continued to walk, crying softly. He was in pain, but he didn't care. He wanted to get away. "Mikhail!" The Eliatrope paused and looked back before shaking his head and running deeper into the forest. He didn't care if anyone was looking for him. He didn't want to return. To go back to them. To go back to Him.

An hour would pass before someone discovered the child in a clearing in the forest. Mikhail had curled up against the trunk of a tree, whimpering quietly. "Child... why do you cry so?" Came a male's voice. Mikhail hiccupped and looked up to see Chibi. The King of the Eliatropes.

"King Chibi..." Mikhail hiccupped. "Tell me... why am I His apprentice? He's done horrible things... I don't want to be bad like him..." Mikhail cried, new sobs wracking his tiny body. The king paused before he smiled softly.

"Mikhail..." The king moved to sit next to the child. "Keep in mind that you are more than Qilby's apprentice. You are also our youngest brother." The older Eliatrope said gently as he placed a hand on Mikhail's shoulders. "You have a good future. However, what you do depend on your actions. If you wish, I could have you train under Yugo as well to quell your fears." The King offered.

The young Eliatrope's eyes widened. "Really?!" He asked, surprised. The king nodded, smiling softly. "Really, really." Came his gentle assurance. The younger Eliatrope started to get excited.

Mikhail wiped his face, tears falling down his face. "There's no King Chibi here... there's no King Yugo here... No Glip... No Mina... No Nora... Just me... Here in this large city..." The Eliatrope slammed his fist into the stone wall that seperated the dock from the residential area. "Just me... alone in this world..." He whispered softly. He then crouched, ignoring the water that now soaked his clothes. The Scientist looked down into the puddle he knelt besides. All he could see was himself as a child, lost in the woods on some unknown planet. What was he to do?

The scientist would hesitate before he reached into his bag and pulled out a Noxine. He looked at it, tears still falling down his face. He then nodded. He knew what to do know. He stood up as a portal opened up behind him and stepped back, going through the portal and appearing in front of Bonta's library. He knew what to do now and he needed to see if he could get some information regarding the Noxines as the Sadida's called it. He needed a goal, but he needed answers first. And this was the best place to find them. Steeling his resolve, the scientist took a deep, hiccupping breath, before he went into the Library to seek answers.


You guys may see a difference in writing style coming up. MAY. Please understand that this story may be taking a different path than expected, but I hope you all will enjoy it nonetheless!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz