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It would take a few days for Mikhail to regain consciousness. When he came to, he found Master Joris and Prince Armand sitting beside his bed. "Ah. The Eliatrope has awoken." Master Joris said softly. "Mikhail. Are you alright?" Prince Armand looked at him with concern. Mikhail groaned as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. The Eniripsa helped him up. "Do be careful. You suffered a major blast to the chest..." The Eniripsa was confused. As were the others. "Some guards heard your yells and came as quickly as they could. When they arrived, they found you on the ground, unresponsive. Qilby and Adamai have disappeared with Grougaloragram that same night..." Armand looked down. "Was I too harsh on Adamai?" Armand asked Master Joris. Mikhail looked down and he rubbed his forehead. "I do not know what happened that night. Except that everyone has been fooled by Qilby." Armand looked at Mikhail in surprise. "Really?" Master Joris looked at Mikhail. "I suppose our only true source is you, Master Mikhail." Joris spoke calmly.

"Are the leaders still here?" Prince Armand nodded. "They haven't left yet. The disappearance of the three has caused confusion and outrage among them. Father has decided to wait until you woke so that you may explain what really happened." Mikhail frowned. "By this time, Qilby will be putting his plan into action. I do not know what his next steps are, but we need to act quickly. The World of Twelve is in danger once again. And I fear that this may be the cause of the God's deaths as well if we do not stop Qilby."

Armand blinked wit surprise. "I will tell father. But are you sure you can walk?"

"This is important. I need to speak the truth."

"The Prince of Brakmar won't be happy..." Master Joris spoke up. "The prince of Brakmar can kiss my-"

"Hey now! He may not be the most pleasant person, but there is no need to insult him. Especially since he is still a guest." Prince Armand interrupted Mikhail. The Eliatrope sighed and rubbed his temples again. "Alright. Is there a location where we can meet that is closer?" Prince Armand nodded. "I will suggest it to father." Armand stood up and left the room to find his father.

"Tell me what happened." Master Joris spoke as he looked at Mikhail. "After the meeting with the Leaders, I was in my room when Qilby entered. He asked me some questions before he attacked me..." Master Joris frowned deeply. "He needs to be stopped then." Mikhail shook his head. "I have faith in King Yugo..."

"King Yugo? So, you are telling me that Yugo is the king?" Mikhail nodded. "Qilby was never the king of the Eliatropes. Yugo was. I will explain more after this meeting..." Mikhail started to climb out of his bed, much to the Eniripsa's complaint that he ignored. Master Joris watched Mikhail. "Prince Armand and I are on your side. However, why did Qilby only knock you out?"

"He only intended to keep me from stopping him. I am sure he is already using Adamai to serve his purposes..." Master Joris looked down as Mikhail got ready...


Mikhail, Master Joris, and Prince Armand stood in front of the doors to the room that had been hastily put together. The Eliatrope leaned against Armand, panting softly. "Are you sure you should be doing this? We can wait a couple more days..." Armand spoke softly. "I am sure... I'll just need a chair or something to sit on... It's just my Wakfu returning to its regular flow...." He shook his head and straightened up. "I will stay by your side, Master Mikhail. You can sit on my hammer while you speak." Master Joris offered. "Thank you." Mikhail said softly. Armand nodded at the guards and they opened the doors. The room inside fell silent and Mikhail stepped forward. He walked into the room, keeping his head level and his eyes forward. Straight at the Sadida King. "So. The Eliatrope traitor has had a change of heart and is now covering for his master?" sneered the Prince of Brakmar.

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon