A Lurking Evil

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"How interesting... so that's what an Eliatrope looks like up close... a full grown one too..." A hooded male watched as Mikhail left the inn with an Eniripsa. Zetaria based off what the residents of the village called her. He was only a mere traveler, yet his mask hid his inner thoughts. He had felt a disturbance in the Wakfu and had tried to find it again. But to come across the source of the disturbance was truly quite surprising. He had seen Yugo once in Bonta during the Gobball tournament, but he wasn't strong enough then. But to see an older, more experienced Eliatrope....

"Noxmillian would have done anything and more to get his hands on this Eliatrope..." The Xelor muttered. "Lucky for me... Noxmillian isn't here." The Xelor smirked under his mask and reached into his pouch. He pulled out a bug like creature and activated it with wakfu. "He had a good idea with these... yet he used them for the wrong purpose." He chuckled softly as he sent the bug like object towards Mikhail. It flew over and disappeared into the Eliatrope's bag inconspicuously as the Xelor left the inn and made his way to the docks.

Edan was silent as he watched the Xelor. "Noxines never spell good for the World of Twelve..." He muttered thoughtfully. He would pay the pandawa and thanked him for the room and food before he went to follow the Xelor, a hand on his spear...

Edan would frown thoughtfully as he watched the Xelor change directions. "Ah..." Edan cut himself off as he noticed a mother and child looking at him. He gave them a nervous grin before hurriedly walking towards the location where he saw the Xelor turn.

A flash of blue filled the air, yet Edan was quick enough to draw his dagger, blocking the Xelor's sword. "So I wasn't just imagining things..." The Xelor commented as he eyed the silver haired Cra. The dark skinned Male watched him with narrowed eyes.

"Algernon. What do you intend to do with the Noxine you put into the Eliatrope's bag?" Edan hissed, grunting as a thrust his dagger forward, knocking the Xelor off balance. With a flash, the Cra replaced his dagger and unsheathed his spear, blocking another attack with a bit more ease this time.

"This does not concern you, Cra." The Xelor hissed.

"I am afraid it does. Noxines spell trouble and I will have to stop you before it gets too dangerous and you threaten the World." Edan gripped the spear tightly as the Xelor pushed against it. The Xelor pushed his face close to Edan's. "I do not wish to harm the world. I just want to know more about the Eliatrope." Algernon sneered. Edan clenched his teeth tightly as he resisted. The Xelor was, unfortunately, taller then him and, with a powerful push, the Cra was sent stumbling back. He crashed into a form and gasped sharply, looking up in time to see a feminine Ecaflip. She smirked down at him before he felt a sharp pain in his forehead, knocking him out quickly.

When the Cra finally woke up, he found himself bound to a chair. He frowned deeply and looked around however, the room would be dark and chilly. "Oh my. How cliché." He muttered, rolling his icy blue eyes. He then started to shift his wrists, feeling the rope scrape against his skin. He muttered under his breath as he attempted to look around again. The Xelor and the Ecaflip must have searched him and found all his weapons while he was unconscious. "Cra help me..." He grumbled as he shifted in his seat. He tried to look around, his eyes getting used to the dark room, but all he knew was that he was in an unfamiliar setting. Then, the words of the Xelor came back to him. "Goddess Cra please help that Eliatrope..." He would add. "I have a feeling he is going to need it more then me..."


Mikhail looked up at the Zaap in front of him. The Eniripsa, Zeta, stood nearby him. "I... am not exactly the most graceful when going through these things..." He admitted. "The Xelor and Eliatrope portals are vastly different..." He admitted. Zeta raised an eyebrow, watching him as she watched him. 

"So... You're telling me... that a newly incarnate can handle a Zaap but an older Eliatrope like yourself can't?" Zeta asked, crossing her arms. Mikhail could only look down at her, blinking. 

"Yes. That is exactly what I was saying." He laughed gently, if a bit nervous at being so honest. Zeta couldn't help but laugh at Mikhail's honesty and admittance to being unable to handle the Zaap. The Eliatrope shifted uncomfortably as the Eniripsa just laughed. "He-hey now... It's not nice to laugh..." 

"Sorry, but what's so different between an Eliatrope portal and a Zaap?" Asked Zeta. Mikhail hesitated before he shook his head, his silver hair poking out from under his oversized hat.

"Let's just go. I am sure you'll find out the differences soon enough..." With that, the Eliatrope and the Eniripsa stepped through the Zaap to the Sadida Kingdom.

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Where stories live. Discover now