And Let the Journey Begin.

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Mikhail looked at the Zaap in front of the trio, his brow furrowing. "The Zaap to Bonta should be open now." Master Joris spoke up as he held the Zaap crystal up. "The festivals should be over and the new king should be present-"

"Wait... Master Joris, may we visit Ki- er- Master Yugo's current home?" The Eliatrope's companions looked at the Eliatrope, raised eyebrows facing him in curiosity. Mikhail shifted. "I wanted to ask him some things..." Master Joris nodded before he looked at the Zaap. "Amakna we go." The Immortal said before flicking the crystal into the Zaap.

It didn't take long before the older Eliatrope had found himself amidst a poor stall owner's goods...

"My babbages!!!!" The man cried out as he gaped at the Eliatrope that currently sat amidst his toppled cart, his babbages rolling around and away. "Urgh... I'm so terribly sorry..." The Eliatrope sat up, fixing his disheveled. "Let me help you-" he was unable to finish his sentence before he was smacked on the head with a staff. "Ow!" He protested, looking over at the Farmer before blocking the next blow with his gauntleted arm.

"Let me help you!" The Eliatrope exclaimed as he dodged a third blow. Master Joris could only watch with a sigh, shaking his head. The Eniripsa, on the other hand, could do nothing but laugh once again.

"Farmer Jack!" Yugo spoke up as he hurried over to the group. "Is everything alright?"

"He crashed into my cart and sent my Babbages flying everywhere!" The farmer protested. "I didn't mean to!" Mikhail protested. Yugo blinked and looked over at the Eliatrope.

"Mikhail? What are you doing here?" The younger Eliatrope asked. Mikhail looked over at him, pausing briefly. Emotions passed through his eyes, faster than Yugo could fully grasp, before he sighed softly. "I came to visit you and ask some questions." The older Eliatrope spoke softly. "I had no intentions of ruining someone's hard work." He then faced the Farmer. "Please let me help you pick up your babbages?"

Jack frowned deeply. "Fine, if you persist. But you will pay for the ones that are damaged." The Eliatrope nodded before he started to help the farmer clean up the mess. The Immortal and the younger Eliatrope started to help as Zeta tried to calm herself down with not much success.

A clean up and an exchange of babbages and kamas later, Mikhail sat at one of the tables in the back of Alibert's inn, sipping at a glass of tea. The Eniripsa had healed his injuries, but had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing at the absurdity of the scenario.

"So..." Yugo looked down at his cup of water as he spoke up. "What did you want to know?" The younger Eliatrope sat down in front of the older Eliatrope. The two males could look into their glasses before Mikhail looked up. "What happened in your fight against Qilby?" He asked quietly. The mood in the corner darkened, causing the Eniripsa to calm down and look over at Yugo. While she felt the occasional giggle, she could only watch the two.

"He... said some things... about wanting what's best for the Eliatrope people... and about how bored he was..." Yugo continued to stare into the glass of water. Mikhail's gaze softened. "We lived peacefully for many years, centuries even." The older Eliatrope spoke softly. "However, for those of us that do retain memories of our past lives... it can be... dangerous..." Mikhail looked down.

Zetaria looked over at her companion, as did Master Joris. They could sense the hell that the older Eliatrope had gone through. "Master Mikhail... please tell me... why did the Eliatrope children call me king?" Yugo asked, looking at Mikhail. The two Eliatropes made eye contact and Mikhail smiled softly. "Because you were chosen to be king." He spoke softly. "Chibi chose you to be king when he could no longer rule." Yugo blinked at that, surprise slowly trickling across his features.

"Chibi?" Yugo asked. Mikhail nodded. "Chibi was the prophet and king of the Eliatrope people. When he foresaw his death, he made you king. Of course, the rest is history." Mikhail shook his head, sighing softly. Yugo looked down at his water as Mikhail drank some tea. "I suppose we answered each other's questions." Mikhail said gently as he placed the empty cup down. "Thank you, Master Yugo. But I must take my leave." Yugo blinked and looked at Mikhail. "Wait, you aren't staying?" He asked in surprise.

Mikhail smiled gently at Yugo. "I have my own mission to do." He said gently. Yugo then stood up. "Then can you please do me a favor?"

"What is it, Master Yugo?"

"I know that there aren't that many Eliatropes in the World of Twelve, but... can you be the King of them?" Yugo asked. Mikhail blinked in surprise before he shook his head. "I am afraid I cannot accept that." He spoke softly. Yugo's ears lowered before he looked at Mikhail firmly. "Then I order you as king to take my place." The younger Eliatrope stared at Mikhail firmly.

Mikhail looked at Yugo before he sighed softly. "Yugo, I refuse to be the king of the Eliatrope people." He spoke softly. "However, I will act as your Regent and perform important duties in your stead until you are ready to take lead." Yugo blinked as he looked at Mikhail.

Mikhail smiled gently before he placed a few kamas for the tea on the table and left the inn. The remaining trio looked at each other with surprise before Master Joris and Zeta rushed after him. "Wait, are you sure about this?" Zeta asked Mikhail. "I am sure." He faced forward as he spoke. Almost as if he was nervous... a quick glance as his hands, which he quickly pocketed, gave him away.

"Master Mikhail, what are you most afraid of?" Master Joris asked. Mikhail was silent as he walked ahead. Zeta and Master Joris looked at each other before the Eniripsa hurried ahead and stopped in front of Mikhail, holding out her arms, stopping him. "Answer him." She spoke firmly. Mikhail looked at Zeta, blinking. A saddened, yet fearful look in his eyes gave him away. A stern glare from the Eniripsa caused him to look away.

"That I will end up like Qilby..." He spoke softly. Zeta blinked at his response before she slapped Mikhail. His eyes widened with surprise and pain and he hesitantly touched his cheek where she slapped him. The Eniripsa then held up one of the babbages that they ended up with and pointed at it. "You. Who persisted to help a farmer pick up his babbages that you ruined and paid for the damages out of your own pocket and denied the position of king of the Eliatropes twice before settling on becoming Regent of the Eliatrope race, is scared of becoming like your master?" She asked, glaring at the Eliatrope sternly. Mikhail could only stare and it was Master Joris's turn to chuckle softly.

"You got whacked in the head with a staff and you're scared of becoming greedy?" Zeta asked. Her next words, however, would sting. "You are pathetic. Did you really fight Qilby? Or did you spend your time hiding instead?" The Eliatrope stared at her, as did Master Joris, before the Eliatrope's eyes darkened. "Forgive me for not being a stoic warrior of your romance novels that can never do any wrong. For all you know, all that I do could be a façade." Mikhail hissed sharply. It was Zeta's turn to blink at that. Not once had the Eliatrope spoken to her so darkly before. Nor did his eyes darken to that extent. However, his words registered in her mind and she very nearly went to slap him again before Master Joris interrupted.

"Now is not the time to quarrel." Master Joris spoke up. "Please calm down." The Eliatrope stepped back. "Let's just go." He muttered. "We have information we need to get." He stepped around the Eniripsa, only for her to grab his arm and squeeze it tightly. He flinched in pain and looked at her as she stood on tip toe to get close to his face. "Insult my romance novels again and I'll make sure you can't take notes for a month, scientist." She hissed before she let go and stormed off towards the Zaap. Mikhail frowned deeply as Master Joris walked up. "Don't." The immortal spoke up. "Let's just drop the topic and continue on. I've seen what you can do. Let's not start this before your journey truly begins." Master Joris looked up at Mikhail. "Plus, I'm sure we can find some Dragoturkeys for rent as well, thus avoiding Zaap use for now."

Mikhail took a deep breath before he released it in a heavy sigh. "Yeah... hopefully..." He muttered as he started to walk towards the stables. Master Joris went on ahead to warn Zeta of the change of plans...

It didn't take too much longer before the trio were on their way to Bonta with Dragoturkeys occassionally callings filling the silent air.

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Where stories live. Discover now