Recurring Nightmare

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"Why do you continue to fight to remain on one planet? Eventually you'll be driven to madness like I was." The older Eliatrope's words weighed heavily on Mikhail's mind. "No I won't." Mikhail scowled as his spear brightened as a new wave of Wakfu entered it. "I will not fall as you did and lose myself to madness." The Eliatrope in green barely had a moment to react before the Eliatrope in white was in front of him. Despite being one handed, he was still a much stronger fighter.

"You were a fool to follow me in here. You should have died with your sister to be reborn. Instead, you're choosing to spend forever with me. I must say. I'm quite honored that my apprentice chose exile over rebirth." The older Eliatrope sneered. Mikhail pushed against the older man and leaped back. "Shut up." He hissed. "You are a vile creature and can no longer be called an Eliatrope. You have betrayed us all simply because you were bored. Not to mention the fact that you hated me at first because I retained my memories like you. Now you say your honored? I refuse to join you."

Qilby simply laughed, his shrill laughter sending chills down Mikhail's back. "Will you really say the same when your companions face death?" Mikhail blinked, confusion filling his face before his eyes widened. In front of him lay a ruined building of unfamiliar stature. Zeta and a Cra in red laid on the ground nearby him, but the rest of the bodies were unknown to him. "Qilby!" The Eliatrope screamed into the air.

"No, not Qilby. Algernon." Shrill, maniacal laughter filled the air, causing the Eliatrope to cover his ears. "Shut up..." He muttered as the laughing persisted. "Shut up... shut up!"

"Shut up!" Mikhail shouted as he shot up on his sleeping bag, panting heavily. Nearby, Zeta let out an annoyed grumble and rolled over, covering her head with her blanket to try and drown out any noise. Master Joris sat across of Mikhail, looking at him over the fire and breakfast he was making. "I said nothing." Master Joris spoke up. "Although, I was about to wake you both up for breakfast." Mikhail looked over at Master Joris, panting softly.

"Ah... my apologies, Master Joris... I was... It was just a nightmare. Forgive my outburst." Mikhail spoke softly. "No, no. It's okay." The small immortal smiled gently at Mikhail. "We have been on the road for quite some time. Things will be easier on us now that we are almost to Bonta." Mikhail nodded as he climbed out of his blankets. "Of course." He said gently. "We should make it by this evening, correct?" The Eliatrope's crystal blue eyes drifted over to the Immortal's, the smaller man simply nodding as he made up three plates.

"Now, let's eat. You should wake up Miss Zetaria as well. I'm sure she would like to eat?" Mikhail glanced over at her, rolling his eyes. "If she doesn't want to wake up early, then that's on her." He huffed as he started to reach for the food. Of course, that only earned him a snack on the hand with a wooden spoon. "Ow!" Mikhail drew his hand back quickly and cradled out, pain throbbing from it.

"Wake up Miss Zetaria. I am sure she wants to eat breakfast." Master Joris simply repeated himself. Mikhail watched him before sighing. "Fine..." He muttered before going to Zeta's side. "Oy. You awake for food yet?" Mikhail asked her, tilting his head.

The calculating look in Master Joris's eyes showed his thoughts, although one could only guess what he was thinking of.

At Mikhail's question, Zeta quickly shot up, smacking heads with the Eliatrope again and sending him back as she falls to her side with pain.

"Ow! Did you have to sit up so quickly?!" Mikhail exclaimed.

"Well did you have to lean so close?!" Zeta retorted as they rubbed their heads. Master Joris could only smile at their childish behavior. "Breakfast is done. Would you like some, Miss Zetaria?" He asked her as he held out a plate. "Of course!" The Eniripsa grinned as she hurried over to the fire to get her plate of food. Mikhail frowned deeply and walked over to the fire as well, pain on his face as he grabbed his plate.

"Oh, stop being such a wuss." Zeta muttered past a mouthful of sausage and bread. "Your head is thick." Mikhail retorted as he started to eat the egg.

"Now, now. Let's not start this." Master Joris spoke softly. "We should arrive at Bonta by this evening, which means that you will be able to gather information about missing people. And what better way to start than with the court?" Master Joris offered. Mikhail shook his head. "I'll start with the lower class." The Eliatrope said firmly. "The lower class is more likely to keep track of all those that were abducted than the higher class." Master Joris blinked. "Oh?" He asked, curious.

Mikhail looked over at him. "Yes. While the higher class focuses on their own, the mid to lower classes learn what's going on on all levels of class." Mikhail returned his attention to his food. "After all. They simply follow the laws set down by the higher ups and much more likely to keep track of anyone that has gone missing."

Master Joris simply nodded. "You are correct." He commented thoughtfully. "We will start with the lower class then."

Zeta's nose furrowed at the thought of trudging through the slums. "Revolting..." She muttered simply. "If you paid attention to the stories from travellers, then you will know that the under classes still have a comfortable life." Mikhail spoke up. "What you're thinking of is Brakmar."

"And what makes you so smart in the World of Twelve even though you're still new to it?" Zeta asked.

"More than you, miss Romance Novels." Mikhail rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"Roll your eyes at me again and they'll be rolling across the floor." Zeta pointed her fork at Mikhail warningly. "Behave yourselves, please?" Master Joris asked.

However, his pleas simply fell on deaf ears as the two fought the remainder of the journey on their Dragoturkeys.

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें