An Unruly Cra

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"He's been in there for a couple of weeks now."

"We've already told him that there is no creature that can walk in dreams... correct?"

"What if he died?"

"He isn't. I've seen him leave for food."

"And how am I to believe you?"

"Why wouldn't you? I don't lie!"

"Both of you, shut up." Master Joris's voice was heard from behind the two Sadida males. The two of them jumped before they faced him. 

"Master Joris! We didn't see you there!" Renate exclaimed. Canar let out a nervous chuckle. "Please don't think ill of us." Canar whimpered. Master Joris shook his head with a sigh. "I won't. You two, however, should leave. Master Mikhail is just fine. He just needs some time to himself to gather his thoughts." The two of them hesitated. "Why don't you go check on the Eniripsa that arrived with him. Make sure she isn't doing anything suspicious?" Master Joris asked. The two of them nodded before leaving. The immortal watched the two Sadidas leave before he pushed open the doors and entered the library. 

After some time of wandering tall bookcases and open windows, he would find Mikhail hunched over a book and a journal near the back of the large room. The scratching of his pen filled the silent air, the scientist deep in thought. Master Joris could only watch the Eliatrope as he scribbled in the journal. "Master Mikhail." He whispered gently. Mikhail jumped in surprise, letting out a small squeak as he did so. Master Joris raised an eyebrow that was hidden by his hood as he observed the surprised Eliatrope. "Others are getting quite worried about you," He tilted his head in careful examination. "You really should start going-"

"I have a clue." Mikhail interrupted. Master Joris closed his mouth and looked at Mikhail. "Do you now?" The immortal asked. Mikhail nodded. "Every time I wake up, I've always been cold." The Eliatrope looked at his journal before standing up. "Another thing I remember is a large clock.... Can Xelors walk in other's dreams?" He asked. Master Joris shook his head. 

"As I have mentioned, no Twelvian can walk in dreams." He repeated himself. Mikhail frowned deeply. "Then why do I keep getting dreams of a large clock?" He muttered. Master Joris frowned. 

"Why don't you talk to Master Yugo?" He asked. Mikhail froze. 

"Ask King Yugo?! No, I couldn't!" He protested. "A-anyways, I am quite positive that he has other things to worry about besides a silly little dream..." The Eliatrope grabbed his journal and reached for the books on the table. 

"A dream that is driving his only hope of knowing more about his people insane." Master Joris retorted, causing the Eliatrope to flinch. "You've never forgotten anything, correct?" Master Joris watched Mikhail, his eyes narrowed. A hesitant nod from the male confirmed the suspicions that were to be had. "Now, if a clock keeps making a constant appearance in your dreams, it would be best if you went to Emelka to speak to Master Yugo, considering that he has gone up against a Xelor as well." Master Joris looked at the books that the Eliatrope had gathered. "Things will become clear." He sighed.

Mikhail frowned deeply before he nodded. "Alright." His voice was barely a whisper, hesitation evident in his posture. Master Joris started to walk down the towering bookcases full of books. He hesitated, looking back at the Eliatrope as if he wanted to say something, but he fell silent, noticing a small, metal, insect glinting in the Eliatrope's hand. Mikhail frowned deeply as he looked at it before pocketing it and gathering the books to put them away. Master Joris's eyes narrowed as he watched this. "Be careful with what you find. The World of Twelve has many people that will do anything to use you." He warned before leaving. Mikhail glanced at the Bonta ambassador before he looked down.


The silvery haired male pulled the doors to the library shut when a pair of Cras rushed past him. He blinked and watched them run off, curious as to what was happening before he heard a woman shouting faintly. A raised eyebrow and another running Cra sent his feet going after them to see what the commotion was all about. 

"Maikali Roncheret, what has got you so riled up?!" A female Cra officer exclaimed. The source of the commotion would be a female Cra with short red hair and a bandana tied around her eyes. Her clothes looked a lot like something a Rogue would wear. Leather armor that had been dyed black protected her chest and neck whilst a cape was clasped around her shoulders, falling down to stop at the ankles of her boots. A blood red scarf was tied around her hips and attached to the belt that held things like throwing knifes and various other tools of destruction. Black trousers were tucked into her boots. Cra guards restrained the red haired woman and removed the armored crossbow on her left arm, the long, fingerless gloves providing some protection to her bare arms. 

"Grany and Remy were taken," The restrained Cra hissed, "and the being that restrained them was a Xelor. My best guess is that he is abducting various people of other races and making them join his cause. Whatever it is." She pulled away from the Cra guards sharply, rubbing her wrists as she straightened up.

"And how do you know of this information?" The officer asked warily. The rogue Cra sneered.

"He sounded interesting. So we decided to tag along and watched him. We watched him abduct a silver haired Cra with dark skin a few weeks ago, along with various others, when they fought back. Of course, it didn't take him much longer to figure out that we were following him." She brushed herself off and looked quite content, like she deserved praise. The officer scowled deeply. 

"The sneer of yours is not helping you, Maikali." The woman frowned deeply, the golden accents on her leather armor glinting in the early afternoon sun. The female Cra rolled her head, showing her exasperation. She then stuck a hand into her pouch, automatically earning nocked bows and crossbows at her. 

"Puh-lease. I have better things to do than fight you noodles in your own home." The red haired woman snorted before pulling out something metal and holding it out. Sharp gasps were heard. 

"That's a Noxine! They were all destroyed!" The officer hissed as she reached for her own bow. 

"From the Xelor. He managed to find a way to reanimate them without using so much Wakfu. A much more... efficient way of controlling what they can do. Since they do gather information for him instead of being used to drain Wakfu from everything." The Cra guards looked at the metal bug in her hand, frowning deeply. The officer looked the most displeased. 

"We must take this to His Majesty, King Sheran Sharm." The officer ordered as she reached for the bug. Kalia quickly pulled back. 

"will take it to the king." She hissed. The officer opened her mouth to protest before Mikhail spoke up, surprising those that did not notice him. Which was just about everybody present...

"I will go with her and make sure that she does not try anything." He stepped forwards, his hands folding behind his back. 

"Oh great. Another pompous schmuck to make sure that I don't hurt the king." The red haired woman rolled her head as if showing that she was rolling her blindfolded eyes. "What's with the hat? Lost your important fancy shmancy one and decided to use the one you won from the Trool Fair carnival games?" 

"Aren't you blindfolded?" Mikhail raised an eyebrow in curiosity. 

"After she lost her sight, the Goddess Cra granted her an alternative way to see." The officer explained.

"Uh, last I checked, pompous schmuck here asked me. Not you." The red haired woman sneered. That only earned her an indignant huff.

Mikhail shook his head. "We are wasting daylight. We should go before the king gets too busy." He looked over at the red haired woman, holding out a hand. She only walked past him and towards the throne room, ignoring him and leaving him to blink after her, watching her leave him behind.

"Best not let her get too far away or she'll start using much stronger words." The Officer shrugged before grabbing the black and gold crossbow that was retrieved from the woman. She tossed it over to him and he caught it with ease. "Have fun with rogue Kalia." The woman chuckled softly before returning to business.

Mikhail sighed as he started to wonder what he got himself into and followed after the red haired woman named Kalia.

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Where stories live. Discover now