A Step in the Right Direction

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"You have got to be kidding me!!!" Mikhail exclaimed. A few days had passed and Master Joris and Prince Armand were visiting the Eliatrope. "This entire world... is covered in water?!" The Eliatrope paled as he laid back in the bed. "I'm trapped here..." He whimpered. "Now, now, Master Mikhail. Each continent does have a zaap. Our best bet would be to go to Astrub and get you a passport." Master Joris spoke calmly. Mikhail looked at Joris, confused. "A Zaap?" He asked. "Yes. A Zaap is like your portals. But it can go long distances and will allow us to completely avoid travelling by boat."

Mikhail frowned. "How did Zaaps come to this world then?" He asked. "We have the God Xelor to thank." Master Joris said. "And Xelor is....?"

"The leader of Xelors was the one that came to your side when you lost your balance."

Mikhail frowned thoughtfully. "Interesting..." He muttered. He grabbed his journal and started to write some stuff down. "So... what stuff have you made?" Asked Prince Armand. Mikhail stopped and looked over at Armand. "Hm... not much. Just minor things to stop rogue Eliatropes and make the Eliatrope's lives easier." Mikhail said thoughtfully. "Rogue Eliatropes?" Master Joris asked. Mikhail nodded. "Some Eliatropes will go off on their own and try to do their own things. At least that is what Qilby told me."

"What does the bracelet do?" Master Joris asked. Prince Armand fell silent when the smaller man spoke up. Mikhail looked at them. "Well, what the bracelet does is that it, hm... well, it goes on the wrist of the offender. We don't tell them what it does, but once the offender tries to use their powers, the bracelet locks onto their wakfu and starts to steadily drain it. The bracelet will drain just enough wakfu to prevent them from using their powers, but it won't kill them." Mikhail explained.

Master Joris tapped his chin. "Will it work on the Twelvians?" He asked. Mikhail blinked. "I will have to make adjustments for each race, but possibly."


"Because the bracelets are calibrated to the Eliatrope race. And since the Eliatrope race has more wakfu, the bracelets will drain more wakfu. If I try putting it on a Sadida for example, it will kill the Sadida in a day." Prince Armand would pale at the idea. "What are your thoughts on the bracelets?" He asked.

"A necessary Evil. I don't like them, I truly do despise them."

"Then let us not use them." Master Joris spoke gently. Mikhail nodded. "That would be greatly appreciated." He sighed.

"On another note, we should think about getting you a passport." Master Joris brought up the subject he had intended to bring up before getting side tracked. Mikhail tilted his head. "A Passport?"

"It is a small book that will let you journey across the World of Twelve rather freely. And it could give you an upper hand in handling affairs. Who knows? Master Yugo may ask you to fill in his place as king until he is ready." Master Joris laughed softly. Mikhail blinked before he laughed softly. "I honestly highly doubt that. He is the king and a good one at that."

"Well, what if he asked you for favors?" Prince Armand asked. "Of course I will do them for him. He's my king."

The two men nodded. "Understandable. Anyways, we will depart when you are ready." Master Joris hopped off his hammer before going to the door. Prince Armand pushed himself off of his chair and bowed politely. "I hope we meet again, Master Mikhail. Your presence is enjoyable." The prince smiled at Mikhail and left the room with Master Joris.

Mikhail looked out the window, frowning softly. "The world is covered in water... how will I travel?" He whimpered softly as he laid back, hiding his face underneath his blankets. He then curled up and drifted into sleep.


A few days have passed since Mikhail spoke to Master Joris and Prince Armand. The Eliatrope was given some fresh clothes to change into and his Haven Bag would be stocked with necessary items for travel. After an hour passed, the Eliatrope apprentice was ready to go. He would meet up with Master Joris at the front gates of the Tree of Life. "Are you ready to go?" Asked Master Joris. Mikhail would nod. "Alright. Let us go." He then started to lead the way to the Sadida Zaap with Mikhail following close behind. Once there, Master Joris pulled out a sky blue tear dropped gem. "To Astrub." He said before he flicked the tear drop shaped gem into the round structure. "Well then. This is certainly interesting." Mikhail spoke gently as he watched a watery like portal appear in the ring. "Er... Is it like water?" He asked Master Joris. "Hm... I think it would be like going through a portal like your own. Just a bit more pleasant?" Master Joris didn't have an idea what it was like to go through an Eliatrope portal. "Let's just go..." Mikhail whispered softly. "I will find out myself." 

Master Joris nodded before he stepped through the portal. Mikhail looked up at the water-like portal before he took a deep breath and released it. "I have to do this... For King Yugo...." He whispered softly.

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