The Meeting of Leaders.

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The next two weeks passed by in a rush. Mikhail did what he could to earn Qilby's trust, although the older Eliatrope was hard to sway. However, Mikhail got his wish. He returned to his quarters the day before the meeting to find a new set of clothes on the bed for him. Qilby was standing by the window to the room, looking out at the forest. "I have decided to let you join me in the meeting of representatives of the World of Twelve. You have shown me that you really do want to be on my side. Even if you do not know my plan." Qilby looked at Mikhail. "Master Qilby, I have been your apprentice for an extremely long time. I know that you plan to free our people and once again travel the Krozmos on the Zinit, destroying this world." Qilby's eyes narrowed as he looked at Mikhail. The Eliatrope only smiled softly. "And I still support your decision. You know as well as I do that Adamai will stop us, though." The Eliatrope warned. "I am aware, and I already have made plans. When it is time for me to put my plan into action, you will remain here while I take Adamai with me. I want you to take Chibi and use him against Yugo." Mikhail listened quietly as he watched Qilby. His clenched hands hidden behind his back.

"I will do what I can." Mikhail said. Qilby smiled gently. "If you cannot convince, kill him then." Mikhail nodded. Qilby walked over and grabbed Mikhail's hand. He raised an eyebrow at the younger Eliatrope's clenched fist. "Just thinking about how Yugo and Adamai will defy us angers me, Master Qilby." Mikhail lied easily. Like he has been planning his answer. Qilby sighed and released the bracelet, it dropping to the floor. "I am trusting you not to stab me in the back, Mikhail." The Eliatrope sighed. "After all, you can be a terrible liar. Like you are doing now." Mikhail's eyes widened and he paled slightly. Qilby looked at Mikhail, his eyes narrowed as his grip on Mikhail tightened, causing the younger Eliatrope to yelp and whither in pain. Mikhail looked up into Qilby's eyes.

"I won't kill you now. But with the way things are now, I am taking this chance. Consider this a test, my dear apprentice. I won't do anything to you. But will you do something to me and risk making everyone your enemy? Or will you do the same and do nothing? Letting me bring destruction to this world... and your life once again?" The older Eliatrope hissed at Mikhail before he forcefully let go of Mikhail's wrist, causing the Eliatrope to fall to his knees, grasping his wrist with pain. "Plan wisely, Mikhail. For your next moves may determine your position in my own plans." The words lingered in the air, long after the "King" was gone from the room.

After an hour as passed, Mikhail climbed to his feet, his hands falling to his side. He looked back at the door, his eyes narrowing. He then shook his head and looked at the clothes on the bed before down at the bracelet on the ground. He picked up the bracelet and pocketed it before he went to clean up, keeping silent.


The next day, the representatives started to gather in a specific location, ready to hear Qilby speak. After hearing that the Prince of Brakmar had arrived, Adamai rushed to get Mikhail, whom was sitting in his room and was impatiently waiting for the meeting to start. Upon receiving word, he rushed to the throne room to meet up with Qilby, Armand, Master Joris, and King Sheran Sharm. He looked up when he heard the doors open and came eye to eye with Qilby. King Sheran Sharm stood next to the Eliatrope. "Let us go, little Eliatrope. We have representatives to speak to." The king spoke gently before guiding the way to the location.


Mikhail looked around in awe as he stood in between Qilby and Joris on the lily pad that carried them in. "They're coming." The Feca leader spoke up upon seeing them. "Look. It's the Dragon." The Ecaflip leader called out. The Xelor repeated the Ecaflip, seemingly excited at that. The Osamodas leader could only say his God's name in shock.

The Feca leader laid down on his seat while his companion made a comment that lingered on everyone's mind. "It looks like a child." She commented. Mikhail wished he could see Adamai's reaction, but Qilby and the large Sadida King were in his way.

"I was expecting someone brawnier." The Iop looked unimpressed, but he kept an eye on Mikhail. "Ah the Sadida King. Always such an imposing presence." Mikhail could only agree with the Pandawa Queen silently. He wasn't afraid to admit that he did not want to be on King Sheran Sharm's bad side. However, these other leaders were quite influential.

"That's him, the Eliatrope king?" The Eniripsa commented on Qilby's appearance. She let out a soft sigh. "And I was hoping that it was the one in green... He is cuter..." She muttered to herself, watching Mikhail. The Cra Matriarch said something, but Mikhail was unable to process what she said before the Sram leader spoke. "Sram. So, it wasn't a joke."

"Don't judge by appearances. Nox the Xelor was defeated by just one of them. And a child at that." Someone said. Mikhail had to continue facing forward, keeping silent as he listened to all the leaders speak of them. He was thankful that his oversized hat hid his ears, otherwise the leaders could see the younger Eliatrope growing sheepish under the scrutiny he received from everyone.

The large lily stopped in the center of the room and Master Joris moved so that he now stood in front of Qilby. Mikhail shifted so that he hid behind Qilby and found himself standing beside King Sheran Sharm. "What? A child? But how is that possible?"

"That's not what my informant told me." The king cleared his throat, causing Mikhail to jump slightly. The Eniripsa smiled softly upon seeing the younger Eliatrope startled. 'How can Qilby be so calm?' Mikhail thought to himself. He felt like a fragile rock, ready to crumble at any moment.

"You all know why I have asked you here." The Sadida King started. "A new people will soon be making its appearance. This will change the world forever. It is up to us to turn this event into a celebration. I will now hand you over to the King of the Eliatropes. His Highness, Qilby." Mikhail had to grip his cloak tightly as he forced himself to stay calm. He watched as the traitor stepped forward, a mocking smirk on his face. Not at the Leaders of the World of the Twelve, but at Mikhail's inability to act upon his desires. 'A simple stab in the back. Nobody will know.' Mikhail thought to himself. 'Focus, Mikhail. If I kill him, not only will I be ostracized for my actions, But Qilby will also be reborn. I just need to get my hands on the Eliacube and trap Qilby into the White Dimension again...' He looked over and made eye contact with Prince Armand. Mikhail quickly looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with anybody.

Qilby looked around at the leaders as Armand, Adamai, Master Joris, and King Sheran Sharm went to take their respective places. Mikhail stood beside Qilby, his head bowed as he clasped his hands in front of him. Mikhail's subtle action grabbed the attention of the Sacrier and Iop leaders. 'Three down... nine more to go...' Mikhail thought to himself.

Qilby raised his only hand in front of him and a ball of blue light gathered before floating upwards. It gathered the attention of the leaders and Mikhail let out a quiet sigh, keeping his head bowed. 'And I am back to square one...' He thought to himself. "Leaders of the World of Twelve, hear the story of the Eliatropes. Listen how they lost their world and discovered this one..." Qilby began his long tale of the history of the Eliatropes.

"There are other worlds, other stars...."

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