A Show of Strength

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"Alright. There are three remaining contenders in this test of strength. A Cra, a Sadida, and a Sacrier." Master Joris started, looking at the three. The Iop and the Ecaflip sat on the ground nearby, scowling at the Eliatrope. "And they are all up against one Eliatrope. Let us see how each of you fare against one as it is quite obvious that he has outsmarted two of you." 

"Hey! Whose side are you on?!" Exclaimed Kyrus as he glared at Master Joris. The ambassador of Bonta only shrugged as he continued. By this time, a crowd had started to gather around the small group. Currently, they stood together in one of many of Astrub's untilled fields, a crowd of other incarnates looking on to see what was going on. "Now, who shall start first?" Asked Master Joris. The Sadida would shake his head. "I forfeit." He said. "Sorry, guys, but I think I will just stand back and watch." He would step away from the Cra and the Sacrier and would go join the Iop and the Ecaflip. "If you wish to make another bet, Ecaflip, you may do so." Mikhail called out, grinning. "And if you wish to join the Sacrier in fighting me, go ahead." The Iop would look excited at the idea of fighting the Eliatrope. "Alright, then. Who will challenge first?" Master Joris said. "I will." Said the Cra as he stepped up. "Good luck, Finn." The Sacrier said as he moved to join the rest of the group. "Alright. This will be a long distance challenge." Master Joris said. He then pointed to a couple of Treechnids just across the field and a river. "The first one to kill their target wins the challenge. Rules are simple. You cannot get closer and you cannot distract the opponent."

The two males would line up, side by side. Finn would pull out a small, wooden, cannister before he activated it, the limbs of the bow shooting out and a yellow string appearing to connect the two. Mikhail watched this in curiosity, raising an eyebrow. "On the count of three, both of you will attack the Treechnids."

Finn looked over at Mikhail and smirked. "Be prepared to lose, funky hat." Finn sneered. "One!" Master Joris's voice echoed over the field. Finn drew the string back, an arrow appearing as Finn did so.  "Two!" Mikhail raised a hand and pointed two fingers at his assigned Treechnid. "Three!" A golden arrow shot ahead and exploded against the Treechnid. Finn grinned as he noticed how it stumbled. However, a white and blue beam shot through the air and towards the Treechnid. Finn's eyes widened as he watched an explosion completely obliterate the Treechnid. "What the-" Mikhail smirked. "Might want to finish off your Treechnid before it gets to you." He smirked. Finn could only gape at the mysterious man. Mikhail shrugged before he finished off the Treechnid before it could cross the river. 

"The winner is the weird hat guy!" Someone shouted. A few other incarnates cheered at the announcement. "What... what are you?" Asked Finn. Mikhail only smiled gently. "I am an Eliatrope. Much like Yugo. Only, I am older and I have more battle experience." The Eliatrope explained, shrugging. Finn frowned deeply. He would then go join his companions. 

"Are you two still up for the last challenge?" Asked Master Joris to the Sacrier and the Iop. The Iop would slam a fist into his hand. "You bet I am." He grinned. The Sacrier smiled. "Of course." He said. "We are always up for a challenge." The two males would walk towards Mikhail. "Rules are simple: No killing each other, use everything at your disposal, be courteous of each other, and, again, no killing." Master Joris said, giving Mikhail a stern look. The Eliatrope would simply shrug his shoulders before he faced the two. The Iop would draw a rather, simple looking sword, and hold it in front of him. "The fight ends when the opponent is no longer able to stand up." The three contestants would nod as the Sacrier cracked his knuckles. "Let's get started."

Master Joris would nod and raise a hand. "One!" He started. The Iop gripped his sword tightly. 

"Two!" The Sacrier crouched, ready to lunge. 

Mikhail raised a hand and summoned a buckler before slipping into a defensive stance. "Three!" A Rogue shot a bullet into the air at three, the Iop and the Sacrier lunging forward. The Eliatrope's eyes widened at the shot, him momentarily distracted. The Sacrier got to the Eliatrope first, swinging his fist and knocking it into the man's gut. Mikhail let out a shout, his eyes widening. However, it knocked him out of his surprised stated and, as he fell to his knees, a portal opened up underneath himself, letting him fall through and narrowly missing the Iop's attack. The blade merely cut off some fur off the Eliatrope's hat. The two males blinked as they paused. "What the?" The Iop looked around, frowning. The Sacrier quickly grabbed the Iop and pulled him away as Mikhail appeared through another portal and slammed the buckler into the ground, creating a minor shockwave. "Oh... I missed...?" Muttered the Eliatrope as he stood up. "I thought I did my calculations correctly. Or am I a tad rusty?" The Sacrier blinked. Just a bit creeped out and confused. However, he didn't have much time to think on that as he lunged backwards, just barely avoiding getting hit with a spear that suddenly appeared in the Eliatrope's hands. 

"What the-!" The Eliatrope shot forward and swung his spear down. However, he would be blocked by the Iop's sword. "Thanks Drak!" Kyrus exclaimed. Drak nodded as he pushed against the Eliatrope. "He's strong!" He grunted out. Kyrus frowned deeply before he would start to go around the Eliatrope. Drak would let out a surprised shout as he was kicked away by the Eliatrope. Kyrus didn't have time to react as he felt something go through his neck. He let out a shout before collapsing to the ground. "Kyrus!" Exclaimed Finn. Master Joris would go over and check on him. "Don't worry. He's fine. He will just be out for a couple of days." The ambassador spoke calmly. Finn clenched his teeth tightly as he watched the Eliatrope. The spear and buckler were made of a glowing blue energy. "What is he using?" He asked, watching as Mikhail blocked an attack from Drak. "From what I understand, Eliatropes are masters of Wakfu. They create portals and, apparently, weapons from the life force of everything. I am afraid that is all I know of the matter..." Master Joris explained. The Eliatrope moved quickly, slamming the butt of the spear in the Iop's groin and causing him to fall to his knees, dropping his sword as he did so. The Eliatrope raised his spear once again. 

"End!" Master Joris shouted. "Mikhail, stop!" The Eliatrope blinked before he stumbled back, the spear and buckler disappearing. "Oh my Goddess... I am so sorry... are you alright?" The Eliatrope asked as he knelt by the Iop. "I will be alright..." The Iop groaned. "Mikhail, you may want to see what else you did?" Master Joris asked sternly. The Eliatrope froze before he turned around. His eyes widened. "Oh no!" He fell through a portal and reappeared next to the Sacrier. "I am so terribly sorry." The Eliatrope stammered. He placed a hand on the unconscious male's neck and took a deep breath before he released it. He would then send a bit of his own Wakfu into the Sacrier to restore his flow of Wakfu. 

After a few brief moments, the Sacrier's eyes would open to see his companions huddled around him, concern etched into their faces. "What's wrong?" Asked the Sacrier, frowning. "You're alright..." Finn sighed heavily. Kyrus could only stare at them in confusion. "I am terribly sorry." Mikhail said as he walked up. The Sacrier let out a scared yell as he tried to get away. "Please forgive Mikhail. Neither of us knew what was going to happen should he fight and it seemed as if the Rogue's gunshot caused something inside him to snap." Master Joris said softly. 

The Sacrier and his companions looked at each other. The Iop would be the first to speak. "You are quite the worthwhile opponent! I wouldn't mind fighting against you when I get stronger! I will beat you one day!" The Iop exclaimed. Mikhail and his companions looked at each other. "I wouldn't mind sparring with you either. Just uh... Please no weapons." The Sacrier said softly. Mikhail blinked before he smiled softly. "I had a feeling that you were stronger. I believe that my dolls will aide you should you ever need it." The Sadida said gently. "May Ecaflip grant you luck. I could certainly use your help in winning some bets." The Ecaflip grinned, showing off his pointy teeth. Mikhail blinked before he laughed softly. 

The Cra would stand up with a heavy sigh. "May the goddess Cra guide your aim and make it true." He said softly. "My name is Finn. The Sacrier is Kyrus, the Iop is Drak, the Sadida is Alder, and the Ecaflip is Felix." Finn said. "We plan on staying here for some time before we make our way out to the world, so try Astrub first should you ever have need for us." The Cra grinned as he held out his hand. Mikhail blinked and smiled gently. He then took the Cra's hand and shook it. "Each of you have promise and the makings of a great team. The best way to get through this world is through companionship." Finn nodded, smiling gently.


"Looks like they weren't at all intimidated by your skills." Master Joris said gently as he walked with Mikhail through the cobbled streets of Astrub. Mikhail laughed gently. "I believe anyone smart enough wouldn't pass up the chance to know the strongest person in the world." Mikhail joked. Master Joris smiled gently. "Let us go get you your passport." He said gently. Mikhail nodded and let him lead the way.

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