The Eliatrope story (Qilby's version)...

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"Long ago, way before Xelor lost his clock and thus created time, there was a goddess that roamed the Krozmos. She had danced with the Great Dragon twice and after the second dance, the Eliatropes were born. The first six each had a Dragon twin, and each pair hatched from a common Dofus. These first six Eliatropes and six Dragons, the firstborn, formed a council that ruled over the Eliatrope Civilization, whose other members incarnated naturally. All members of the council are practically immortal as they can be reborn from their Dofus once both their twins have died and their Wakfu has replenished. However, each member is reborn as newborns with no memories of their past incarnations. Except for myself.

Ten thousand years before Xelor's clock, we lived on a planet far from here. Living in peace... that is, until the Mechasms arrived and created war between our people. Yugo and I trapped the Eliatrope children in another dimension, protecting them as those of us that were still alive were forced to flee. We created a spaceship and left, searching for a new planet to call home. We searched for centuries. On one planet, Chibi found Mikhail's Dofus. It hatched and the young Eliatrope learned what he knows from us as we travelled. Unfortunately, when he was 18 years of age, he , and his own dragon sister, ended up losing their lives on a planet we thought was to be home..."

~Mikhail gripped his hands tightly as he fought to stay under control. His time to tell the true story will come. But now is not it. Qilby shook his head and continued with the story.~

"We continue to travel until we arrived on this planet. It was long before your own gods had arrived and created life on it. We rested here and found the colony Vili. We lived in peace, however, it was only temporary... Orgonax, an important member of the Mechasms found us. He attacked us once again, this time with the help of my apprentice. Our Dragon sisters were killed, and I ended up losing my arm. Yugo sent me into the white Dimension to protect me from my traitorous apprentice, but Mikhail was too fast. He entered the portal before it closed, and we ended up spending the last eternity fighting each other until Yugo freed us once again..."


"And that... is how the Eliatrope people disappeared." Feathers of pure Wakfu continued to fall, but Mikhail continued to stand behind Qilby, his head bowed and his knuckles white with anger as he gripped his hands tightly. "In the time before time, when the Gods of this world were but children. In a few weeks, I will liberate my people. So, the Eliatropes and their dragon siblings will once again populate this world." The Wakfu feathers faded and the other world leaders watched Qilby. The Eniripsa leader spoke up first, her voice quiet. "Highness Qilby," Qilby looked at her. "How do you know your children will still be children? Are Eliatropes immortal?"

Qilby laughed gently. "In the dimension where they are, time does not exist. This explains why I, and Mikhail here," He gestured to the Eliatrope in green behind him. "have not aged. Our children will still be the same age as when they entered."

The Feca leader raised his hand as he spoke, drawing attention to himself. "Your Highness. These mechanical beings that destroyed your world, the Mechasms, are they still a threat?"

"No, and neither is the one that followed us here, Orgonax. He was destroyed."

"And the vessel that you came in?" asked the Xelor leader.

"Also destroyed, during our terrible confrontation against Orgonax."

"We share the suffering of your people, highness. Join us! The goddess Sacrier will welcome you with open arms." The Sacrier spoke up. Mikhail looked up and at the Sacrier leader before turning his attention back to Qilby.

"Master Qilby, Master Adamai, you know of the love that we have for the dragons. Your place is with us, near Osamodas."

"Highness, you can count on Sram..."

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