Reality? Or Flashbacks?

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The Eniripsa and a Sadida guard entered the Eliatrope's room early the next day. She gently woke him up and gave him his clothes. She looked away as he changed before she and the guard helping him out onto the balcony. The guard created a small chair out of a flower and guided the Eliatrope onto it. "The world has changed greatly since I was last here..." The Eliatrope muttered. "King Qilby said the same thing." The Eniripsa said gently. The Eliatrope looked at her before looking back out towards the forest. "Is it true that you can play the lyre?" asked the Sadida guard. Mikhail nodded. "It is a talent I developed in my free time when I wasn't training."

"What did you train as? King Qilby has told us that he is a king, but I highly doubt a king would need an apprentice..." The Eniripsa looked thoughtful. Mikhail smiled softly as he gently scratched Grougal's head while the tiny dragon made himself comfortable on his lap once again. "I am the youngest of the Eliatrope Council. I was created years after our first escape from the Mechasms. I also retain the memories of my past lives. Which only made sense that I be made as the King's apprentice." He looked out at the forest. "When I wasn't learning how to fight with Yugo and Adamai, I was training with Grougal and Chibi how to be a scientist. If I wasn't doing either of those things, I was with Qilby. Learning about our people's history. What I missed of it, that is." The Eliatrope remained calm as he spoke.

The Eniripsa and the Sadida listened, their curiosity taking over caution. Not like any was needed. The Eliatrope couldn't fight, even if he wanted to. His injuries took him longer to heal, even with the Eniripsa's help. "You must have lived a peaceful life." The Eniripsa commented. "At least before the Mechasms attacked..." The Eliatrope closed his eyes as he listened to the nature. "I am surprised Qilby hasn't come to see me." The Eliatrope spoke up. "Master Adamai sensed something happen to his brother. King Qilby took the Eliacube and Adamai to see if they could find out what had happened to Master Yugo." Mikhail frowned softly. "Hm... I did feel a disturbance yesterday before going to sleep..." The Eliatrope looked thoughtful. "You could sense that?" Asked the Eniripsa. "It is possible. I happen to be a bit more sensitive to the Wakfu currents of the world." The Eliatrope nodded his head, his eyes closing again.

"What are Eliatropes exactly?" Asked the Sadida Guard. 'Will you two please hush?' Thought the Eliatrope to himself. "Eliatropes are, simply put, masters of Wakfu. We can control Wakfu and bend it to our needs. I would show you, but..." He held up the bracelet on his wrist that was glowing a light blue. "This basically cuts off my Wakfu supply and prevents me from properly using my abilities. If I do, it could result in a shock or possibly death." The Eliatrope shrugged. The Sadida and the Eniripsa looked at each other and frowned softly.

"Will you attack us if we take off the bracelet?" Asked the guard. "I won't. But only another Eliatrope can take the bracelet off." Mikhail said calmly. "It is alright. When Qilby returns, I will just ask him if he could take it off."

"Are you sure he will be so willing to let you roam freely?"

"Oh he will be quite ecstatic." The Eliatrope smiled. The guard and the Eniripsa looked at the Eliatrope, concerned. "Are you doing alright?" Asked the Eniripsa. "Mentally, nope." Mikhail was certainly honest. "But that is what happens when you grow up in a life of war, constantly losing people you called family and friends." The two listeners fell silent. "Call us when you need us..." The Eniripsa spoke quietly as she gently grabbed the guard by the elbow. She then guided him out of the room, leaving Mikhail to his thoughts.

"Thank Goddess..." The Eliatrope muttered. "I thought that they would never leave me alone..." The Eliatrope gently scratched the Dragon's head as he looked out towards the forest.


A couple of days had passed and Qilby and Adamai returned to find Mikhail in the Sadida king's throne room, playing a harp. "Ah! King Qilby and Master Adamai! I see that you two have returned! Is Master Yugo alright?" Asked the King Sheran Sharm. "Yeah. He is alright. He got trapped in another location and Qilby helped me bring him back." Adamai explained. "That is great to hear."

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя