Never Again...

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"Mikhail!" The Eliatrope's eyes widened as he was sent falling overboard. He was unable to do anything due to the paralyzing agent that the Rogue pirate hit him with. Nor could he do anything against the tumultuous waves that crashed over him, swallowing him whole as Master Joris's words echoed in his ears. The Eliatrope's mouth opened and water flooded his mouth, rushing down his throat. Mikhail scrambled upwards, his head breaking through the waves and he spat out water, coughing and gasping. Seawater blinded him, preventing him from seeing anything, but darkness. Before the Eliatrope could do anything else, a wall of water crashed over his head, causing him to drown in water. His past was coming to haunt him again and there was nothing he could do...

The morning sun shone down on a lifeless form that laid on the beach. It was certainly a surprise to see a person with an oddly shaped hat laying on the beach, and it certainly gave some fishermen a shock. The group of seven men looked at each other before going to check on the male. "Go warn the village Enripsa." One of them, most likely the leader, said. A younger male nodded and ran off.

It didn't take long for the fishermen to return with the unconscious male. Wanting to respect the male's privacy, they had managed to keep the oddly shaped hat on his head and carried him down the dirt streets towards an inn owned by a pandawa family.

One of the fishermen opened the door quickly, surprising the current residents. Mainly old grandmothers that have come for a drink and a talk and a couple of passing travelers resting for the night that were now sitting at tables, enjoying a fresh cooked meal. The fisherman carrying the unconscious male's body ran up. "For Pandawa's sake, why did you bring a body here?!" Exclaimed a rather large Pandawa. A dark skinned Cra with a spear strapped to his back stood up and walked over to the man. He frowned deeply. "The Eniripsa's hut is far too away." The Cra commented. "Quickly, put him on the table. We have to see how badly he is hurt. Did you get the water out of his lungs?" The Cra asked.

The fisherman carrying the unconscious male would nod as he laid him on the table. The Pandawa would walk over with a bucket of water and a washcloth. "Good." The Cra would start to inspect the male. He seemed to know what he was doing as he looked over the male on the table. He reached to the bag and asked for some help to get it off. "Should we take off his hat?" Asked the fisherman. The Cra shook his head. "No. The Eliatropes are super self conscious about their hair." He said.

After he removed the Haven Bag, he then worked on removing the male's coat. "He is quite layered, isn't he?" Asked the fisherman helping him. "He is equipped for everything, it seems..." The male muttered. "How do you know what to do?" Asked a Feca grandmother. "I was raised by an Enripsa and taught how handle situations like these." The Cra said gently.

"That's great. Now, if you'll step back and let me do my job, that would be greatly appreciated." Came a woman's voice. "Ah! Zetaria! You made it!" The dark skinned Cra would step aside, letting the village Eniripsa step up. She was quite short, and certainly no model. She would quickly get to work, starting her chanting. The male on the table wasn't moving, which caused the Eniripsa some concern. The Cra would go over and held his finger under his nose. "He is still alive." He commented thoughtfully. 

"Why isn't he waking up?" Asked the fisherman that carried him. "These things take time. Now don't you guys have a job to do? Like, I don't know, catch fish?" The fishermen frowned before they left. The Cra stepped back and let her get to work. 


The Eliatrope groaned as he shifted in the bed. He could hear the rustling of clothes and his eyes flew open and a spear appeared in his hand, swinging it before it stopped at the neck of the person. The Eliatrope's sky blue eyes were narrowed as he glared at the dark skinned Cra, whom was pulling away but now sat still. "Ah. Another spear user?" Asked the Cra. The Eliatrope blinked, frowning deeply. He was perplexed by the Cra's choice of words. "Who are you? And where am I?" The Eliatrope asked. "Ah. My name is Edan Wildes. I simply a travelling Cra that sells his service for any and all who need it. As for where you are, You are currently in the inn on an island a couple days off of the shores of Bonta." The Eliatrope frowned as his spear disappeared. "Is that so?" He muttered. 

 Edan would nod as he relaxed. "If I may be so bold... What was the last thing that you remember happening?" The Cra asked, frowning softly. Mikhail frowned deeply as he tried to gather his thoughts. 

"It was a sunny day in Astrub.... We had been there for a couple of days," 

"We?" Interrupted Edan. "Master Joris and I." Mikhail corrected himself. Edan would nod before he urged Mikhail to continue. "I had just finished crafting some energy potions to sell when Master Joris walked up to me..."


"Mikhail!" The Eliatrope looked up from his work station to look at the Ambassador that had walked up to him. "Master Joris. Did you manage to find out what had happened to the Bonta Zaap?" Mikhail asked. The hooded man nodded. "Yes. It is currently experiencing some heavy traffic. Unfortunately, the best way to get there at this point would be by boat." Mikhail paled at the Ambassador's words. "No." The Eliatrope said sternly. Master Joris blinked. "Huh?" 

"No. I will not be getting onto a boat." The Eliatrope said sternly. "Why?" Master Joris tilted his head curiously. "Boats equal deep water. Deep water equals large monsters. Large monsters equal getting tangled up and being ki-"

"Okay! I get the idea!" Master Joris exclaimed. He then sighed heavily. "There is no other way unless we go back to the Sadida kingdom. But that is not something I wish to do." Mikhail turned his attention back to the potion he was brewing. He started to gently stir the potion, frowning deeply. "And you said you needed me for something, correct?" Mikhail asked, not looking away from his work. Master Joris nodded. "That is correct." He said. 

"How much time do we have? Surely we are on a time limit, hence your concern when finding out that the Zaap wouldn't work." Mikhail pointed out as he added some final ingredients. "You could tell?" Asked Master Joris. "You may be an immoral ambassador, but I am a scientist. I study all and anything that nears my path." Mikhail commented thoughtfully. "And someone that is good with potions..." Master Joris commented. "Master Joris, please focus on the conversation. We are a bit short on time, are we not?" Mikhail asked as he poured a ladleful of energizing potion into a bottle. He would cork it and mark it before moving on to another one. "Yes. We are." Master Joris admitted. "Why do you have need for my help?" Mikhail asked. 

"There are rumors of a plan to assassinate the King of Bonta." 

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon