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The Eliatrope let out a yell as he flew through the Zaap and crashed right into a pile of crates. A small group of nearby incarnates started to laugh at his clumsiness. The man pushed himself up to his feet and brushed himself off, grumbling. "For a man that travels through portals, you are quite clumsy when going through Zaaps." 

"This-This is a different type of portal!" Exclaimed Mikhail as he fixed his hat. "You can't compare a Xelor portal to an Eliatrope portal." However, the older male would face the Zaap with curiosity as he reached into his bag, ready to pull out a journal. "Let us get your passport first." Master Joris piped up. "Oh, uh, right." Mikhail pulled his hand out of the Haven Bag and went to follow Master Joris. He ignored the odd looks and muffled laughter he was receiving as they walked to speak to Master Bossowl. 

"Hello, Master Bossowl!" Master Joris spoke up, waking the large feathery owl from his sleep. "Oh? Master Joris?" Asked the Owl. "What a pleasure to see you!" 

"The pleasure is all mine." 

"So what brings you here?"

"Someone that is not of this world."

"Not out of this world?"

"He didn't exactly reincarnate like a regular twelvian. In fact, he isn't a twelvian at all. But rather a really rare race. There are only two others of his kind here." Master Joris gestured towards Mikhail and the Eliatrope stepped forward. "Hello." He said softly, bowing.

"Interesting... Interesting... You hold an amazing amount of Wakfu. I can't think of anybody that has that much Wakfu in their being at any one time." The Bossowl muttered thoughtfully. "And why are you here?"

"To get a passport."

"I can set you up. Please, go ahead and pick a nation that you want to consider your own." Bossowl gestured to the large map on the billboard nearby. Mikhail walked over and looked over it, frowning softly. "I think I will choose Bonta." 

"Ah. Like Master Joris. Alright. I need you to go get some materials and some kamas before I can make your passport." 

"Uh.... What will I need?" Mikhail asked sheepishly. "Ah, right. Here is the list." The owl handed Mikhail a piece a paper with a list of things. The Eliatrope only frowned in confusion. "Hey, Mikhail, don't you have an empty journal?" Master Joris asked. "Oh, uh, yeah. I believe so." The Eliatrope looked inside a Haven Bag and pulled out a small journal. "We can use that. And I will pay for your passport." 

"Thank you, Master Joris." Mikhail said gently as he handed the large owl the notebook. Master Joris nodded as he fished out the kamas to cover the cost of the passport. "Thank you. I will get started right away." Bossowl said as they got to work. "Let me show you around Astrub. We still have some time before your passport will be ready." Mikhail nodded as they started to walk.


An hour later would find Mikhail at the inn by the Astrub Fountain of Brutas. He looked out the window at the statue of the large potbellied man and took a deep breath before sighing heavily. He looked into his drink and scowled. The stuff tasted like Bow Meow piss and it really was unpleasant. He released another sigh and looked out the window with a frown on his face. Outside the window, he would see a shimmery green form draped over the statue. "Chlorophi...?" He muttered. "Last I checked, that statue's name was Brutas." Sneered an incarnate as he walked closer. It was the incarnate from earlier and his companions followed behind. "Oh, I do hope you aren't this foul to newly incarnates." Mikhail commented as he looked at the incarnate. "Only to those that have an air of superiority. Like yourself. You see, none of us take kindly to stuck up people."

"And what makes you think I am stuck up?"

"The air around you." The arrogant Cra sneered. "Oh. Well, if you truly think that way, why don't we settle this in a simple way?" Mikhail asked. The Cra motioned for his Iop to come forward. "A fight?" He sneered. "Not a full on fight, but rather a set of tests. Games, if you will." The Eliatrope elaborated.

"Well, now you've piqued my interest." Grinned an Ecaflip. 

"Let us head outside and then we can properly sort things out." The Cra grabbed Mikhail's Astrub Root Beer and finished it in a gulp before walking out, sneering. "Thank goodness I don't have to drink that mess..." Mikhail muttered under his breath as he placed a few kamas he received from hunting down some Tofus onto the table. He climbed to his feet and walked outside after the Cra and his team. "A Cra, a Iop, an Ecaflip, a Sacrier, and a Sadida. Not quite fair." Mikhail said thoughtfully. "Scared?" Sneered the Cra. "Nope. I'll start with the Iop. Arm wrestling. You and me." The Iop, fairly large and muscular in stature, would grin as he cracked his knuckles. "Let's do this!" He sneered. The two would go to one of the tables outside before they placed their elbows on the table. "My Kamas are on Drak." The Cra told the Ecaflip. "Same here." Kyrus, the Sacrier spoke up. The Sadida would keep silent as he secretly put his kamas on the man with the weird hat. "Ah, what confidence you have in your compatriot." The Eliatrope said, grinning. "Compa... Com...tri... wha-?" The Iop frowned as total confusion filled his facial features. 

"Hey, don't worry about it, Drak. Focus on the match." The Cra said softly. "On the count of three, you two will start."

"One." Mikhail and Drak looked at each other in the eyes, both men preparing themselves.

"Two!" They gripped each other's hands tightly. The Iop blinked at the amount of strength in the man's hand alone.

"Three!" The word had barely left the Ecaflip's mouth when Drak was sent flying to the ground. Mikhail brushed his hands off. "That's two down." He said simply. 

The others stared in shock at their Iop companion. "A strong opponent!" Exclaimed the Iop, looking excited.

"Er, two down?" Asked the Cra. "Yes. Two down. The Iop and the Ecaflip lost." Mikhail grinned. "Ho-"

"Already getting into fights, Mikhail?" Master Joris's voice came from behind. "Ah, Master Joris." Mikhail smiled softly. "Not a fight, per se. More like a show of strength." The Eliatrope scientist grinned at the Master. "Is that so? Then let me be the judge. That way, it will be fair judging."

"Sounds like a plan." The Cra grinned.

"Then.... why don't we continue?" Asked Master Joris with a playful grin.

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Where stories live. Discover now