A New Companion

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That Cra just HAD to knock on her door, just as she got comfy. Zetaria had a few choice words to say, but she knew that she had to stay professional. And she prided herself in her work. Zetaria grabbed her medicine bag and left her cottage. The Cra could sense her frustration and laughed softly. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you've been worried about his health, considering that he was close to death upon your arrival." Edan spoke gently. However, a sharp glare from the sleep deprived Eniripsa shut him up. Despite the fact that her definition of sleep deprivation was sleeping less then eighteen hours a day, he knew better then to say anything else. It was something he learned very fast since his arrival to the island about a week ago.

The walk to the inn was in tense silence, the Cra biting his lip to avoid starting further conversation that was quite obviously unwanted. Once inside, he led her to the room and volunteered to stay outside. "I will be right by the door." He said as he opened it. Zeta gave him a curt nod before walking into the room. "How are you doing?" She asked, walking over to the Eliatrope. Mikhail looked over at her, his sky blue eyes gentle. "Ah, I am doing alright." He said gently.

"You suffered some injuries. Care to explain what happened? Any that you remember?" She asked. "Well, I was shot in the shoulder with a paralyzing bullet, but that's all that I remember." He said softly, not wanting to explain his whole story again. "If you want to know more, ask the Cra that's waiting outside."

"Well, at least your hearing works." Zeta muttered. "What?" Asked the Eliatrope, a mischievous grin on his lips. The Eniripsa raised an eyebrow at his remark. "Perhaps I was wrong. I thought that the white hair was just for show, but then again Eliatropes are known for appearing younger then what they are from my knowledge. I'll see about getting you a hearing aid of some sort." She replied coyly, going back to writing down some notes on his situation. "Hey now, I'm not that old. Although to you... I may be.... never mind!" Mikhail exclaimed. Zeta would only smile coyly. "You didn't expect me to tease you, didn't you?" She asked. "No..." Mikhail admitted. The woman would only smile as she went back to writing.

"Alright. I want you to stay in bed for another week while I check up on you. I just want to make sure you don't die, that's all." Mikhail looked down, his face a tad red. "Right." He said softly. Zeta raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you are alright?" She asked. "Yes. I'm fine." He gave her a reassuring smile. "Alright. If you say so." She said. She then turned around and walked out of the room.

Mikhail sighed quietly before he looked out the window. "Great..." he muttered. "I'm sorry, Master Joris...." He muttered. "I'm sorry I failed you...." The Eliatrope let out another heavy sigh before he fell asleep in the comfortable bed.

He slept for about half a day before he woke up to a child sized body slamming onto his stomach. "Gah!" He shouted with surprise, coughing and gasping for air as the child sat up, sitting on his stomach. "You're awake!" Exclaimed the child. Mikhail could only groan softly. "Maddy! What have I said about jumping on guests?!" Exclaimed a pandawa woman. The girl bowed her head as she pouted. "To not jump on them..." She said quietly. "Exactly. Now get down and apologize to the man." The woman scolded. The pandawa child sighed and climbed off of Mikhail. "I'm sorry, mister big hat." She said softly.

Mikhail pushed himself into a sitting position and smiled gently. "It's alright." He said softly. "I will be just fine with the help of the Eniripsa." He smiled gently at the kid. "Be nice or the witch will curse you." The kid said quietly. "Hey now. It isn't nice to call people witches just because they are different." Mikhail scolded. The girl bowed her head in shame. Mikhail sighed heavily. "Is she a scary woman?" He asked. The little girl would nod. "She is cranky when she gets woken up." She said softly, kicking the ground.

"Interesting." Mikhail muttered. "I have a question for you, mister." The girl spoke up. Mikhail blinked and looked at her. "Yes?" He asked. "Did you choose to be like Yugo?" The older Eliatrope blinked before he shook his head. "No. You see, where I am from, we are born from one race and we stay that way. We are quite happy being the race we are born as." He explained gently. The girl would frown before nodding. "Oh. Okay." She grinned. "Well, see ya later, mister!" She said before she ran out of the room. Mikhail let out a heavy sigh and leaned back in bed. "I'll lock the door for you." Said the woman gently. "Thank you." Said the Eliatrope softly. The pandawa would nod before she left the room, locking the door after her.

Mikhail looked up at the ceiling of the room, taking slow, deep breaths. "I need a plan..." He muttered. "The Zaaps to Bonta are blocked, but I also don't know how it looks like. I think I have to think of the location... I think I will go back to the Sadida Kingdom. Prince Armand may have need of my help... I should avoid boats though... never again..." His eyes closed and he took some deep breaths before focusing on the world's wakfu. "It still looks the same as it did 10,000 years ago..." His voice was a soft whisper, hanging in the silence of the room illuminated by the afternoon sun.

A vision of a large Mechasm looming over him shocked Mikhail into opening his eyes wide. He couldn't see anything as he shot up, colliding heads with the Eniripsa from earlier. Both of them let out a loud cry of pain, Mikhail falling onto his back, holding his forehead, as Zeta fell onto her rear end on the floor. Her hands flew up to her temple where Mikhail collided heads. Both of them rolled and rocked with pain, groaning. When the pain eventually became tolerable enough to bear, Zeta spoke up first. "Are you sure you aren't a Crackler in disguise?" She groaned. "You're the one that loomed over me while my eyes were closed..." Mikhail groaned. "You were sound asleep." She retorted. "I only closed my eyes for a minute!" Mikhail hissed. Zeta gestured to the window. "It's morning you dumb-"

"Fine! I get it!" He exclaimed. He glanced out the window, still rubbing his head, to watch the sky get lighter. Zeta frowned before she would finally start to finish her inspection.

"Do you want to go on an adventure?"

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Where stories live. Discover now