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(( When one begins a new chapter in their story, how does one start? We could start with the companions splitting up and gathering information. Or we could start this story anew and perhaps use different words? The options are limitless yet they will all lead back to the same characters on some sort of journey.

I would like to apologize for disappearing, everyone. Life happened to get a bit busy and I didnt have the time to write stories anymore. For that, I am sorry. I will do what I can, but first, I should work on gathering inspiration to continue this story. I also regret to inform everyone that this will no longer be a collaboration story. While I do still have the owners permissions of their OCs to use them, the story from now on will be written solely by me. I do have multiple ideas regarding this story and I do intend to help it come to fruition. It will just take some time.

Until then, everyone, stay safe and have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night. ))

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Where stories live. Discover now