Chapter 32

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I think it had been about 6 weeks since my most recent torture. Most days I would just stay in Mason's room. I had got him to buy a puzzle for me as well as some books. I tried to get him to let me have a phone, but I knew it was a long shot, which got shut down immediately. Apparently, he didn't trust me - I wonder why.

Each day generally went by pretty slowly. Some days when Mason would try to talk to me, I would respond in the bluntest way possible, other days I wouldn't talk at all. I could tell that he was getting frustrated with my one-worded answers, but I couldn't give two shits. I was plenty frustrated with him, so I guess the feeling was mutual.

Almost every day, his lips found mine. Some days I would just lie under him, waiting for his assault on my lips to end. Other days when I had more strength to fight him, he would get some cushions and books flying towards him, all of which he dodged. Looking back on it, it probably just made him enraged and fueled his dominating persona.

On those days where I had no energy to fight him, he seemed to go easier on me. It was like he enjoyed it more when I was more visibly distressed by his actions, sadistic asshole. He would make his embrace of me more gentle, almost as if he was being kind to me. I mean kind in a really twisted, controlling way, but kind nonetheless.

When Mason had been busy with work, I was allowed to go outside. I guess he thought I wouldn't try to run again, after last time. He and Archie and a few other men had gone away for a few days to attend to some 'business'. Mason didn't tell me any more, but I didn't really care where he was, as long as he wasn't with me.

Marco, the guy I originally called DC, had stayed behind to watch me. I remembered that Archie was pretty high up there in the hierarchy, so I assumed that whatever business they had to attend to was somewhat serious. I had overheard Marco objecting to staying behind to 'babysit me' to Mason, but he was shut down rather quickly. Mason had said something along the lines of the needed Archie to go with him and that he was the next person who he knew would keep me in line. Jee thanks, Mas, so kind of you.

I met Marco's girl when Mason was gone. Actually, I met quite a few girls and their possessive men. I sat in the lounge room watching tv with a few of the men, while the girls who were with them sat beside them or on their laps. A few of them looked uncomfortable whenever the man beside them moved which only made the assholes look satisfied at their discomfort.

Marco's girlfriend's name was Lulu, or at least that is how she introduced herself. I think that her full name was Louisa because that is what Marco would call her when he wanted her full attention or he thought she misbehaved. I could see that she was trying to comfort me, even though she was drowning in misery as well. Her smile was sweet, but I could see in her eyes that she was in pain.

That made me hate the prick who sat behind her even more. I shifted awkwardly whenever the men in the room would make unrequited advances on the women that were with them. I think there was some kind of sport playing on the tv, but I spent most of my time talking to Lulu.

She had been here for a couple of years and with Mason for about 8 months. Originally she had been working as a bartender in one of the clubs that these horny fucks went to and they took an interest in her. She came with them because they threatened her family. For the past year or so she was forced to work in one of the many clubs I now knew Mason owned until Marco took a liking to her.

I knew Marco was listening when she was telling me this, by the smirk I could see creep onto his face. His clutch on her hip tightened and she ever so slightly glanced back at him, realizing that he wanted a different topic to be discussed. It was mostly silent after that. I think she was worried that she would be punished if something was said that Marco didn't like.

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