Time turner and Sorting hat

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They reached the castle,from the platform using the carriages. The usual chatter that filled the usual carriage, was absent today. No one felt like talking. It had started to drizzle ever so slightly,and the chilling, howling , freezing wind just took the place of silence.

As they stepped out of theirs, a familiars drawl met their ears.

Renevia in a point of not wanting to care about it, just strode off first leaving them behind. She felt like she had been drained out all her social energy with people plus the event that just happen are like a boost to it.

She could hear Malfoy's voice make fun of them slowly vanish from heard. She joined the crowd swarming up the steps , through the giant oaks fronts door, into the cavernous entrance hall, which was lit with flaming torches and housed a magnificent marble staircase that led to the upper floors.

The door into the Great hall stood open at the right;she followed the crowd toward it, but had barely glimpsed
the enchanted  ceiling, which a voice called, " Potter! Granger! Donovan! I want to see you three!" Then when she noticed the trio are right behind her for about few steps and surprised with the Professor McGonagall's stern look.

They followed her ,leaving Ron to go to save their seats. McGonagall sent a reluctant Harry to the hospital wing and led the new girl and Granger to her office.

"I see that you both opted for all the subjects this year.."
Hermione just surprised to know the girl besides her also taken all the subject.
She grinned at her which also returned.

Nodded at the same time, McGonagall reached out, opened her desk drawer, pulled out a small golden time turner. It look tiny but yet held so much power.

She handed it  to the them while listing the instructions to use it,  Hermione was listened carefully to her yet Renevia's mind wandering off from her head. Thinking about her new Life.

" I had to sent a letter to the ministry, and I personally vouched for you two." Said McGonagall who looking at them sharply. "Do you hear me, Miss Donovan?"

That snapped her back, slightly embarrassed, she nodded.

"You will  use it only for academic purposes . Is that clear?"

Nah..like hell it will only for that.

"Yes, professor.."they chimed.

"Good, now this must remained a secret, do you understand?"

"Yes professor.."

"And one last thing, you must never be seen, using the time turner. You must not meet yourself from different timelines. Terrible things happens to those who meddle with time," said the woman with warning tone.

The girls nodded.

"I think we should takes turn to keep it" suggested Renevia. Hermione agreed . They will kept the time turner respectively. That meant they should stick together more.

"Now miss Donovan , I think you need to get sorted before begin your school life.."

"Hopefully you in Gryffindor ," whispered Hermione . She just chuckled at her, even though ,she could hear her heart beating so fast almost like it want to burst out. But she really hope she could be in the same house with the trio, so it will be lot of easier for them to use the time turner.

Then they went to collect Harry from hospital before proceed to the great hall,Hermione and Harry took seats on the Gryffindor table, while  Renevia just silently wait for the Headmaster to announced her. It felt like an hour for her, why everything need to be so long.
She was restless , that why she hate to wait for too long , it made her even nervous.

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