Misplaced Pt. 2

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(skip, Third POV)

"Attention, children, and teenagers of Earth. I am Aqualad, and these are my friends Robin, Seahawk, Red Robin, and Kid Flash."

Robin stepped forward, "We are utilizing Justice League technology to broadcast and stream to every TV, radio, computer, and smartphone available on the planet."

"We know you must be scared and angry, and we know with your parents missing, there are ideas to run wild. But please, stay calm," KF stood tall in front of the screen.

"We'll find a way to bring the adults back," Seahawk grinned reassuringly, "But right now, the oldest of you guys must step up and help out. I know how it feels to lose your family, but we need to stay strong, we'll find a way by working together."

Robin nodded firmly, placing a hand on Seahawk's shoulder, "Take care of your brothers and sisters and those who do not have anyone."

Red Robin stepped forward, next to the others, "Look after and watch over them, keep them safe."

"It is up to you," Aqualad stated.

"Please, help in any way that you can, being a hero doesn't mean fighting bad guys, but helping others. We're counting on you guys," Seahawk smiled brightly again, "we believe in you."

As soon as his words faded, and the screens turned black, the children's eyes lit up with something they thought they had lost.


(skip, Batman's POV)


One moment we were talking to some of the kids, unloading crates, and the next, they were gone.


I pushed aside the panic that engulfed me, trying to keep calm. Going into a situation with a clear head was best for everyone in the end.

"We need to figure out what happened," I muttered to Zatara, before pulling my buzzing phone from my belt.

"Agent A?"

"Batman, the children have gone missing. Nightwing and Red Hood told me they were sparring when, they went to look for Robin, Red Robin, and Seahawk, but they seemed to disappear. A katana was left on the floor and I watched Seahawk disappear right before my eyes, Miss E has gone from her nursery as well."

I cursed under my breath, "Agent A, I need you on the Bat computer, see what you can find."

"Of course, sir."

I turned to Zatara, "What do you think could have done this?"

"Whoever has cast this, must be very powerful indeed, it seems to be a very strong spell," He frowned, "we need to get the children back. Zatanna..."


We went over every possible reason the children of earth vanished, but we kept coming up with nothing.

It has been a long time since everyone has seen their children, and it is starting to get dicey on earth.

Parents are frightened for their children's safety, they demanded to know what is going on, but that is what we are trying to figure out.

Cutting off my thoughts, Captain Marvel flew into the room, gripping us into a tight hug, "You're back, it's over! Wait, where's the Team?"

"Every child has-," Zatara started.

I cut him off, "Where have you been, Captain?"

Captain Marvel's face darkened, "I've been in a world without adults."

A world without adults... could only mean...

All of our eyes went wide as he whispered in awe, "Holy moly..."

Raising my hand to my chin, huffing, I nodded at Captain Marvel, "Two dimensions, one for kids..."

"And one for grown-ups," he finished, eyes still wide.

I took out my device, once again, before turning to the League computer.

"How did you know about the world without adults," I turned back, glancing at the Captain, "if you're an adult yourself?"

"You can travel between them," Zatara stepped forward, a hopeful look in his eye.

"I think so," Captain Marvel nodded, "yeah, yeah I can."

Stepping back, he yelled out.


And he was gone.

"Did he do it," I waited, but then my frown lifted in surprise, "he did."

He could be our only chance at getting the kids back. 


Hello fellow demigods, and dear mortals!

The countdown has begun, and there are only 5 chapters left! So excited!

Also, I'll try to do some one-shots, so there's that! And you can leave a comment for any suggestions on what you'd like to see in a one-shot here, or go to my profile, click on conversations, and leave a comment there. 

Once again, I cannot thank you guys enough for helping me get to over 100k views! Have a great day everybody! 😉 

             -EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🌊🔱

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