Hank x reader in a nutshell

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Y'all here we go, enough headcanons for a while.

Reader is gender neutral because um yehauehahsu

Hank was just snorting his nesquik until the love of his life y/n walks in, he yeets the nesquik out the window pretending nothing fucking happened until the he realized the powder was fucking everywhere. y/n was just standing there looking at him panic for some reason, y/n walks up to hank and puts their hand on his i guess a shoulder what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Hank its fine, I don't care but your hurting your lungs with the nesquik" y/n said looking at him. Hank looked at y/n with a kind of a sad look.

He knows its true lads.

Later i fucking guess

y/n and hank were just chilling outside looking at the cherry red blood looking foxy the pirate looking ass sky. They were just enjoying the moment until they hear yelling



y/n turns around to see sanford and deimos pointing at each other like that mother fucking spiderman meme of the two spidermen pointing at each other come on you have to know that meme its literally everywhere

One of the mag agents (you can choose which one there's many) shows up with two things of melted cheese and throws it at Sanford and Deimos because its the funny and nobody carezzzz. y/n walks up to whatever the fuck was happening (your kinda short btwwww) and they just see sanford covered in melted cheese obviously and deimos trying to get the cheese off of him but failing miserably because he's eating the fucking cheese. You try helping sanford but hank was standing there looking stoned as fuck i guess. "Leave me here y/n, the melted cheese will take my soul" sanford said laying there covered in melted cheese. (This is getting dumb as fuck what am I writing)

2749329733830384792735939274940373795936364928273748499346646382726384937272948372 minutes later

y/n and hank were just chilling again (inside some building I guess idk what im writing anymore) hugging each other because they r in love omgggg ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hank sees somebody at the window, y/n sees it too so they walk up to it and they see tricky holding a thing of oreos.

"Do y'all want oreos?"

"Are you gonna read the bee movie script again if we say yes?"


The two let tricky inside and they all start eating da oreos because they are good (tricky brought double stuffed oreos because those are the best g)

Five minutes later the oreos were no more and tricky leaves, forgetting his sign. y/n and hank kiss (some fucking how) because um yes? What other reason do i have??

Mag agent torture breaks through the window for some reason

"Why are you here?"

"I'm taking the choccy milk"

"What the fuck"

Agent torture leaves with the choccy milk after apologizing for breaking through the window (he cant fit through the door).

and then an agent causes a fucking nuclear explosion with cheese.

The end.

509 words..

What the fuck

Madness Combat x reader Oneshots in a nutshell (finished xd)Where stories live. Discover now