3: When We Meet Face To Face

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When We Meet Face To Face
(Arthur's POV)
Even though I vowed to myself to keep my feeling for Joker under control, the only way for that to happen was to constantly think about him. I could masturbate to just the thought of him, even the slightest whisper of his name would make me shiver with pleasure. One night when I was walking home from work I decided to take the long route home because once I got home I knew I had to stop thinking about Joker so, my mom didn't suspect anything. On my walk, I had to go through this tunnel, when I was halfway through the tunnel a shadow came out of nowhere and held a handkerchief drenched in chloroform up to my mouth until I passed out. When I awoke I was in what looked like an old abandoned bleach factory. It had very poor ominous lighting, I looked down and saw I was tied to a chair and then I started panicking. A voice that sounded like it belonged to an angel and a demon came from far in the distance and said "No need to panic, I tied those knots very good, anyway your safe here with me." The voice then appeared in the light and I saw his face, our eyes met and it was Joker! He was even more beautiful in real life. I was so speechless that out of all the people who could've grabbed me tonight it was him. After I got over my complete and utter shock of how absolutely fucking gorgeous this man was I mustered up the courage to speak."You, you're the Joker." *stuttering* "Why did you kidnap me? What do you need from me?" Joker walked closer to me and said "The cops are after me, as you might know, and I need an innocent civilian to be my hostage so the cops can't touch me." I replied, "What makes you think I'm innocent?" Joker then laughed and said, "Oh please, I've been watching you, you wouldn't hurt a fly." "You were watching me?" I said nervously. As Joker was untieing me he said "I watch everyone, that's why I'm so good at what I do." Joker had been holding me hostage for a few months now. He would go out every night and he leaves me in the factory with the doors locked and the windows bolted with metal so I never saw outside until one night when he came to me and said "I need you" for a second my heart dropped, Joker had finally fallen in love with me. "What do you need me for?" I said, "I need you as a distraction, Bruce Wayne is having a party tonight and I need you cause a scene while I steal a piece from his precious collection." Joker said deviously. I was sad that Joker didn't mean he needed me in the way I thought but I was happy he was finally including me. Me and Joker went out that night and I distracted Bruce Wayne while Joker did his thing, after a long night of thievery Joker and I met up at the Gotham bridge I was pretty beat up, my nose was dripping with blood my forehead was all cut up and I was limping pretty badly. So Joker put his arm around me and helped me walk to a subway that we both rode home. As Joker helped me walk back inside he said in a sweet quiet voice "You did really good today, I never had someone that obeyed me without any hesitation." (In a breathy tone Joker said) "Now I'm going to show how I reward such obedience." When we got inside he locked the door quickly and slammed my body against the wall and started french kissing me very passionately as we were kissing he slowly walked me over to the couch as he was taking off his belt. When we got to the couch he pushed me down and started removing my pants. I couldn't believe what was going on, Joker was actually going to have sex with me I didn't have to imagine anymore it was actually coming true. He spat in his hand and rubbed it on himself and then stuck it in me as he pulled in and out vigorously, I lied there screaming at the top of my lungs and I lied back to let myself enjoy the moment because I knew no one could hear us.


Thank you for reading Chapter 3 of Bad Boys! More chapters coming soon tell your friends about it please and thank you! Much Love! <3

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