15: We Are All Clowns

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We Are All Clowns
(Jack's POV)
Shortly after I said, "do we really look like guys with a plan?" Me and Arthur left Bruce's house, we wanted to let these thoughts brew in his head, give him time to reconsider before we blew up the entire city. Of course, we knew he wasn't going to let all the innocent people die, he was Gotham's "white knight", so we devised a backup plan. Me and Arthur went up to the top of the tallest police building in Gotham City with nothing more than a megaphone and a devious plan. "Hello Gotham City, now you might know who we are but do you know who Bruce Wayne is? He's the guy that wants you all dead, he said he's fine with me and Joker here if we kill you all. Now is this the kind of person you want to be your hero?!" The people started to grow angry you could the 'boos' from the crowd growing louder. "All Bruce has to do is tell us who The Batman is, and we'll let all of you go." The crowd of people started to chant "Give us Batman, give us Batman!" After just an hour the crowd started a riot bigger than the city has ever had before. People started to light trees and cars on fire, they started robbing banks and stores. Shortly after things went haywire the people started putting on clown masks and holding up signs that read "we are all clowns."
                             (Arthur's POV)
            I looked out from the top of that building and saw thousands of people being moved by Jack's words. I smiled at him, he took my hand and walked me to the middle of the building to where none of the crowd could see us anymore and kissed me. "Look what we did baby, together we did this," Jack said to me while kissing me all over. I had never loved Jack more than in this moment, this was the night that tied us together. I hadn't ever even dreamed of inspiring just one person let alone an entire city. Jack was transforming me into a different person, this person I was becoming wasn't afraid, didn't hide from problems, and was more optimistic about life. I loved every second of this new life Jack had led me to, I never wanted it to end! "I love this, me and you." I whispered into Jack's ear as he was kissing my neck. Jack looked up at me and smiled, "I love it too!" I and Jack then walked back to the front of the building, and Jack screamed out to the people "you guys mad yet?" The crowd screamed "yes!" "Then let's go take down Bruce Wayne, and find Batman!"  Jack screamed to hype up the crowd. The crowd screamed in excitement and they follow Jack and me to Bruce Wayne's penthouse.
                             (Jack's POV)
           Me, Arthur, and the clowns all arrived at Bruce's house on foot, we stood at his door waiting for him to come out, knowing that all of this would be on the news any second now. "Breaking News: Riots are coming up out of nowhere in Gotham City tonight, people say they want Batman, and Bruce Wayne dead. This riot was reportedly started by The Joker and what we think is his sidekick he calls Joker." I was constantly checking the news until I saw this story, I knew Batman would come out any minute now. It was now three in the morning the air was cold and thick and still no sign of Bruce Wayne or the people's hero Batman. Until exactly three-fifteen when the Bat-Signal turned on and Batman appeared on the roof of Bruce Wayne's house. "Gotham, I don't know what these two clowns told you but I don't want you to be harmed, that's why I showed up here tonight. Don't think you have to do what he says because he threatens you, I won't let him hurt you." Batman said in his deep growly voice. "He didn't threaten us, and we are all clowns! We are here because we chose to, not by force." Some voice shouted from the crowd. Batman jumped down off the top of Bruce's penthouse but caught his fall. He started to fight me and Arthur but the crowd got aggravated and all toppled over The Batman.
Thank you for reading Chapter 15 of "Bad Boys"  New chapters coming soon and new stories on the way! Much love - TALLULAH <3

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