14: Two Jokers & A Wild Card

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Two Jokers & A Wild Card
(Arthur's POV)
It had been a month since I had been shot and my stitches were almost completely healed, so tonight me and Jack planned to raid Bruce Wayne's house once again. I have yet to perfect my newfound persona of Joker but I knew it was something I had to stick with. All those things I said to Jack on my bed that night were true, things I felt but never bothered to tell because there was nobody in my life that I trusted. Even my mom was just a quiet person in the background that never bothered to even look up to see her son struggling. My mom was still in her room, closed doors, watching The Murray Show, she had still not moved from the night I met Jack, I brought her food and water every day besides the months I was in England then I had someone come and feed her like she was my pet dog that I was paying someone to come to take care off, and in reality that's really how she acted. She never spoke and she can't understand what I'm saying half the time, the only difference between my mom and a dog was that dogs are loyal, they never turn on their pack and they love you no matter what you might put them through! Jack told me that I needed to prove that I was ready to let go of my weak side, that I was really done being a coward, he said I need to make a practice kill tonight before we go to Bruce's. I had never killed anyone before and even though I was ready to let go, it still felt wrong to kill an innocent person, so I decided to kill the person who hurt me the most, my mom. Just ten minutes before midnight I went into my mother's room and smothered her with a pillow until I saw her struggling body suddenly stop moving. As I was limiting the air my mother could breathe it made me feel a sense of euphoria, I was finally happy again, I was finally smiling again and I loved this feeling! I put a blanket over my mother's face, then when out of the room while slowly and quietly closing the door behind me. I walked over to Jack, smiled, and said "I'm Ready." Jack smiled, put his arm around me and we walked to The Wild Card to drive to Bruce's "house." We got there by one in the morning, we snuck in through one of the windows on floor level. We snuck quietly to the seventh floor where we saw Bruce Wayne, the great Bruce Wayne sitting all by himself reading a book. "How pathetic.. the great Bruce Wayne isn't so great after all!" Jack whispered to me while letting out quieted chuckles. We slammed the door behind us as to make a big entrance, which Jack had already proven he loves to do. "Well hello Bruce, we heard from a little birdie that you know who Batman is, now you going to tell us or we'll kill you," I said. This was my first insulted welcome so I proved to everyone in that room that I am a little new to all this vilian stuff. Jack looked at me like I was crazy and shook his head in disappointment but then laughed at the thought of what I actually had just said. Jack then grabbed the chair Bruce was sitting in while holding a knife to his chest, "You'll have to forgive my, uh *clears throat while looking back at me* friend he's little new to this, we don't want to kill you, no, no you complete us, we just want to know who Batman is." Bruce grunted as he pulled himself up in the chair, "Your a fool to think I'd ever give that information to you!" Bruce yelled. Jack growled as he pushed away from the chair in a haist, he took off one of his gloves and started to squeeze it as hard as he could, you could clearly see that he was angry. He went and stood by the floor to wall window staring out at the city as he said "You wouldn't want all these sweet and innocent civilans to die, now would you?" Bruce quickly answered Jack, "What are you planning to do with just a name anyway?" I jumped into the conversation between Bruce and Jack "Never mind that, you will give us his name or we will blow up all of Gotham City and make you watch as your precious town burnt to the ground!" I felt confident about my answer I had brewing in my head this whole time, and Jack seemed proud. "Well thanks for telling me your plan, now I'll just stop you and throw you both in prison where you belong! Bruce yelled. Jack turned around, while smiling and lifting his arms he said,  "Do we really look like guys with a plan?"
Thank you for reading Chapter 14 of Bad Boys! New chapters soon and new stories on the way! Much love- TALLULAH <3

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