18: Everything Burns

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                            Everything Burns
                            (Arthur's POV)
            As me and Jack were walking out of the burning gun shop, Jack grabbed my hand, then put his arm around me and we walked back to the car. During the darkest hours of the night, me and Jack snuck into people's homes and killed off each person ever so quietly to make sure nobody screamed and alarmed the rest of Gotham. Once we got done killing everybody in one house we set the entire building on fire to burn all the evidence, not that there was going to be anybody alive to investigate this crime but Jack said we need to do this to ensure our identities stay hidden. I loved the mystery package Jack came with it was so enticing! By three in the morning we had killed off half of the town, then we made a quick stop at a bank and went inside,  I asumed we were going to steal the money until Jack grabbed a can of gasoline and a match. Jack started to pour the gas all over the money. "W-what are you doing? Don't we need the money?" I said confused. Jack replied to my while still pouring the gas, "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message." Jack then lit the match and threw it on the pile of money then we watched in catch fire in an instant, Jack started to walk back to the car as he yelled, "everything burns!" Soon enough the smoke from all the fire we had set off woke up the entire town from their deep slumber. Jack told me that killing people while they sleep wasn't as fun because your couldn't savor little emotion of their last moments, which is why we set all the buildings on fire to wake the people up. The people who were too lazy to save themselves from the fire and chose to stay asleep would just simply not make it out with their life. Jack looked at me and smiled, "You ready for this baby?" I smiled back while wiping my nose which was bleeding from all of the smoke, then took the blood from my nose and wiped in on my mouth to make a smile. I grabbed hold of Jack and wiped my blood on him as well, he smiled then kissed me. I looked out at the burning buildings, closed my eyes while I listened for panic, then said, "I'm fucking ready baby!" Jack then stepped on the gas and we drove around the city causing more chaos, Jack drove so fast that he made a smiley face with our smoke clouds. We drove to some people standing outside of their house, crying, Jack motioned me to shoot them, I grabbed my pistol and shot them as we dorve by at 180 mph. After about ten minutes of driveby shootings we came upon our last house. This time we parked the car and went inside, it was the only house that didn't catch fire. We walked into the dark two story house and the sounds of a man panicking it sounded like he was on the phone. We walked into the bedroom and saw a small scrawny man curled up in the corner of his closet on the phone with the police from the town over. Jack sat me on the bed while he walked over to the closet, he bent down to come eye to eye with the man, "Aw, are you scared? Come one out, you know what? I think since your house was the only one that didn't set fire, we are going to let you live." Jack grabbed the man's hand to help him up, "U-your not going to k-kill me?" The man said trembling. Jack licked his lips grabbed the mans face and said, "Kill you? Ah, of course not cupcake! Why would I kill you, no no you complete me! Without you running around in this town what kind of villain would I be?" Jack said while smiling evilly as he walked the man outside and over to a boat and told me to wait in the house.
                              (Jack's POV)
"Well, w-why are you taking me to a b-boat?" The man said while some what fighting with me during our walk. I put the man in the boat then handcuffed him to the side and said, "Stay here, I'm going to go get some thing from my car." The man then started to panic as Jack stepped out of the boat, he popped the trunk of our car to grab an axe. The man started to try to break free of the handcuffs but no such luck, I then said to him, "Aw, are you trying to escape? I just want to give you a little boat ride!" I said while laughing and then took the axe held it over my head then chopped a small hole in the bottom of the boat. I then pushed the boat away from the dock and waved goodbye to the man. I then ran inside and told Arthur to come outside, "What did you do?" Arthur said while laughing at the sight of watching the man float away. "I did what I had too." I said while pulling Arthur closer to me. Me and Arthur stood by the shoreline watching the man scream then slowly sink into the water and drowned. I then looked at Arthur, smiled, and said, "Gotham is finally ours!"
Thank you so much for reading Chapter 18 of "Bad Boys" New chapters coming soon and new stories are on their way!
Until next chapter! Much love - TALLULAH <3

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