7: Party Chrashers

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                                                                      Party Crashers
                                                                    (Arthur's POV)
Jack looked at me with a disappointed mad look in his eyes, grabbed me by my shoulders and said "If you throw off this plan in any way, me, you and this little thing we got goin on is over!" As soon as he let go of my shoulders I felt tears fill my eyes in an instant and I couldn't control it. Jack got furious with me and then said, "That day when those three guys beat you up outside the circus with that sign, you said you weren't going to be weak anymore."  I looked up from my tears and said "How..how did you know that? We hadn't met yet?" "You hadn't met me yet, but I met you." Jack said in an aggravated tone, after a slight pause he yanked over the semi, got up from his seat and said "come here" as he walked to the back of the semi. I didn't know what to do so I just followed him. Jack took my arms and slammed my body against the side of the truck, holding my arms above my head so I couldn't get away. As he was holding my arms back he started to kiss me on my neck to distracted me from him grabbing yet another pair of rusty handcuffs. He slapped the handcuffs on me to where I was stuck standing in an upright position. He ripped off my pants and pelted me  so hard until his nose started to bleed. As he was still inside of me he wiped his nose, then rubbed the blood on my face to make a perfect smile and said "There now you got the face of a murderer just like me, and I don't want to hear anymore of the 'is this a good idea' bullshit, just trust me!"  I felt peace once again and then I said "I'm sorry, It won't happen again, I was just so scared." Jack trusted a few more times then pulled out of me and as Jack was un-handcuffing me he said "You don't have anything to be afraid of with me by your side...but if you get on my bad side you better fucking pray." As soon as Jack finished un-handcuffing me I instantly fell to the ground because I was still wobbly from what Jack had just done to me. So Jack grabbed my hand and helped me walk back to my seat, when he sat me down he kissed me one more time and then started to drive once again. We finally arrived at Bruce's party, there were firework's being shot off, very load music, and the sounds of over a thousand people. My heart started racing a million miles an hour, I started to clench my fists and get tense. I started having a panic attack, what if something goes wrong, what if Jack or myself gets hurt, these thoughts raced my head until I felt something touch my hand, I looked down and Jack's hand was intertwined with mine, I looked up at him and he said "Hey, it's going to be okay, I won't let anyone hurt you..ever." My brain went blank, my body got shivers everywhere and I just smiled. We parked the semi in the back of Bruce Wayne's mansion, Jack painted his face and then he painted mine, he gave me a gun and we snuck in. Me and Jack took an elevator to the top floor where the party was with a couple of his men and a cop. The elevator dang, the doors opened, Jack pushed down the cop and we entered the room. Apparently for The Joker this entrence wasn't drastic enough so Jack lifted his gun and shot it twice in the air. Once he had everyone attention he said in a menacing voice "Good evening ladies and gentleman, we are tonight's entertainment. I only have one question, where is The Batman? I just want to talk to him about something little." Everyone was silent, for they feared that if they answered wrong that Jack would kill them and from my knowledge he would've. After a few minutes in silence Jack was starting to get mad, he grabbed a man and held a knife up to his throat and said "If someone doesn't start talking soon, this man dies." A voice  from the other side of the room yelled "Okay stop!" Jack dropped the man and looked behind him to see a woman that he had seen hanging around Bruce a lot, then he said "Well hello beautiful, you must be Bruce's squeeze." As he walked closer to the woman while holding his knife, once he got close to her he grabbed her head and held the knife up to her throat and said, "Where is the Batman?" She just looked at him with a nervous stare in her eyes, then Jack said "Well you look nervous, is it cause of the scars? Wanna know how I got 'em?" The woman kicked Jack off of her which made him mad "Got a little fight in you, I like that." Jack said in a mad voice while licking his lips. A deep voice came from behind him that said "then your gunna love me." Jack turned around and saw it was Batman, then Batman punched him in the face and kicked him to the floor. Jack got up and sent his men to fight off Batman while he grabbed the woman and held her over a window of the 12 story building. Once Batman finished off Joker's men he looked over at him and said "What do you want?" To which Joker replied "for you to just take off your little mask and show everyone who you really are." As Jack got closer and closer to the woman's throat with the knife, Batman shouted "let her go!" Jack said "very poor choice of words" let out an evil smile and dropped her. As Batman flew down to save the woman Jack grabbed my arm and we bolted out of there.
Thank you so much for reading Chapter 7 of Bad Boys! New chapters coming soon, and more books coming as well! Much love- TALLULAH <3

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